
Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2010

I have been having strange issues recently. Since september or so I have had 4 BSODs when using Windows Media Center Live TV, I thought it was related somehow to the tunner, but today I also got BSOD when not using live TV (although I was testing a different, external tunner when it crashed and I was in WMC, not live TV)

I tested RAM with memtest86 2 days ago, for an hour or so only but there were 0 errors.

minidump from 2 days ago wasn't saved, it was page_fault_in_nonpaged_area
2nd last file from today is system_service_exception and newest minidump isKernel_security_check_failure

CPU Z screens and W7F zip attached (W7F includes RAMMon SPD info)

I would greatly appreciate any help or tips.

Thank you very much.


Thank you for the info. I think your issue is both amperage and possibly a loose connection.
Your new card needs around 20A on the 12v rails. I actually couldn't find the exact figure but other googling led me to discover that for Cross-fire you'd need 43A for both cards. Your PSU whilst having enough Watts only kicks out 17A on the 12v Rail which is why it kinda works still but can and will let you down. (This is of course made worse if your overclocking) Please try and verify my findings and you'll see for yourself. I also think that when you last went inside the case it might be possible that a connection somewhere has become loose. These recent events were not occurring before you went inside the case so it has to be linked or it's...
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 139, {3, ffffd00028768cb0, ffffd00028768c08, 0}

*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for hcmon.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for hcmon.sys
Probably caused by : USBXHCI.SYS ( USBXHCI!Bulk_RetrieveNextStage+2d6 )

Followup: MachineOwner


BiosVersion = 0801
BiosReleaseDate = 09/02/2013
Please update your bios:

AF15BDA.sys Tue Jun 22 04:12:54 2010
Digital now receiver. Please update if possible:

Rt630x64.sys Fri Jul 26 08:01:35 2013
Update to the latest driver:
Link Removed

RTKVHD64.sys Tue Nov 20 11:10:14 2012
Update sound drivers:
Link Removed

3xHybr64.sys Wed Nov 22 07:55:38 2006: Possibly a TV tuner, if so try running under compatibility mode to counter possible bsod.

azvusb.sys Thu Aug 13 12:29:32 2009: Azurewave tech, TV card?

Apart from the above I couldn't see a whole lot of issues really. It might well be the age of the tuner's your using but upate the above and if you still bsod send in the new dmp file.

Try going to your pc manufacturers support site and get any Windows 8/8.1 drivers for your motherboard, etc. Also go to your tv tuner's website and get driver's for it. Disable your antivirus software while updating any driver's and restart your pc after each one. Then re-enable your antivirus software and retry watching live tv. Also make sure java, flash/shockwave player and Silverlight are all updated, too.

Thanks to both of you. I have updated all I could, 3xHybr64.sys is indeed TV tuner, my old internal Pinnacle PCTV 310i, for which there are no later drivers than what windows provide (and with the driver from pinnacle website tuner doesn't even work), which is from 2007. I had however no problems with WMC on the old PC (before June) on windows 8 64bit.

The other unidentified drivers must be somehow connected to the other tunner that I tried before the crash at 17:43, that is now uninstalled and if it freezes again it shouldn't be there.

Java and Silverlight I don't need and don't have installed. I will report back later, whether it's fixed or with another dump file. Thanks again for your help.

Thanks for updating Andrew. Just send the new dmp file (if there is one) and I'll check it out for you..

WMC has been running basically since 2 days ago when I installed all the updates and no issues, so this problem seems to be fixed, at least for now. However since the updates my chrome crashed twice, itunes and skype once, this hasn't been happening before. I guess the simplest solution would be just format and reinstall windows if this keeps happening. There is a chrome minidump available but I am not sure If I should bother you guys with it or if you can read that one. Thanks again for all your help anyway, I appreciate it.

Are all those apps you mentioned the latest versions?

Chrome Skype yes, iTunes no, updating as I am writing this. Anyway it could have easily been some registry issue as I used ccleaner a few days ago, I restored registry already so I will see what happens.

I am unfortunately gonna have to continue this topic.. this is no longer about BSOD so perhaps I should post elsewhere?

When I was turning PC on in the morning, it wouldn't even post, fans were running, everything appeared normal, but no error mobo sounds, no boot nothing. Monitors black, keyboard and mouse totally inactive. I took it step by step, disconnected 1 monitor, connected other to mobo directly, removed gpu, reset cmos, removed 1 ram, then I disconnected the monitor from pc and suddenly keyboard and mouse were lit. So I put mobo back, connected both monitors and everything worked... I suspect it might be my old psu dying perhaps, as it is now the only old part in my pc but it is purely an assumption. This is sadly not the end of the story.

This is what happened a moment ago, I opened itunes and screen went mad, PC didn't freeze though, everything kept working. No error log in event viewer. I restarted and all good again.. I am very sorry to keep bothering you with this stuff, but there is something beyond my capabilities going on clearly. Feel free to move the topic elsewhere, as this isn't bsod related and thank you very much for any tips or help. Merry Christmas!

Hi Andrew,
Merry Christmas!
There's no need to create a new thread as this is all ongoing.

Regarding your old psu and recent events. You could very well be right especially with what I saw in the video above. If that flickering was caused by a failing psu or a faulty connection then of course you won't see anything in the event viewer.
Can you give me some figures, like what is your full system spec including psu wattage and age.

mobo: ASUS Z87-K - Intel Z87
cpu: Intel Core i5-4570
memory: Crucial Ballistix Tactical 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 1866
ssd: Samsung SSD 840 Series - 120GB, Basic
hdd: Seagate SV35.5 - 2TB
gpu: SAPPHIRE R9 270X DUAL-X OC BOOST (week old)
psu: Seasonic SS-500ET, T3 500W OEM (bought in September 2010)
case: Zalman Z9 Plus

all the other components are from june 2013. I am now thinking that perhaps since the new gpu needs a bit more power than my old gpu hd 5770, it makes the psu issue (if there is one) more visible, but that wouldn't explain why it woudln't start in the morning without gpu, unless there is like you say some faulty connection and why during heavy games I have experienced 0 issues with nothing, cos it is when psu should be most stressed. Another question to the latest issue of the monitor flickering is why would everything keep working besides the screen itself, on the other hand I won't make a mistake by buying a new psu in any case.

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Thank you for the info. I think your issue is both amperage and possibly a loose connection.
Your new card needs around 20A on the 12v rails. I actually couldn't find the exact figure but other googling led me to discover that for Cross-fire you'd need 43A for both cards. Your PSU whilst having enough Watts only kicks out 17A on the 12v Rail which is why it kinda works still but can and will let you down. (This is of course made worse if your overclocking) Please try and verify my findings and you'll see for yourself. I also think that when you last went inside the case it might be possible that a connection somewhere has become loose. These recent events were not occurring before you went inside the case so it has to be linked or it's hardware related as above. If you haven't already go round all the connections and make sure they are sitting as they should. Just to try and cover all the bases, has a screw fallen in somewhere and created an intermittent short?

Oh and Merry Christmas by the way.. :)

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Thank you again. Surely no screw loose or any loose connector. I am not using cross fire though, wouldn't probably even work with such different cards, I have just the new card in.

This PSU would be alright I guess?
OCZ ZS Series 650W (+5V - max. 22A, +3.3V - max. 22A, +12V1 - max. 46A, -12 - max. 0,3A, +5Vsb - max. 3A.)

Seasonic S12II-620 620W ( 24A on output voltage +3.3 V, 24A for +5 V, two +12 V branches - maximum load 48A)

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Thanks, I will probably wait until new year, hopefully nothing dodgy happens meanwhile and then replace it and reinstall windows. That seasonic is fine too right?

Yep that's fine although the OCZ would offer you some future proofing. Once you update from this card the OCZ will give you a better choice for the future card. .
Can you keep me updated as to any weird events as it will give me/us a better idea or should I say more proof that this theory is correct.

Hello again,

firstly I will say my PC has been running flawlessly since the last issue I have posted here. No problems with PSU, boot or freezes until today. When the same freeze as before happened - bsod with system service exception. I haven't updated any drivers since december but I find it weird it would suddenly start acting out again. If you could please look at it again. W7F zip is attached. Thank you very much.


*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 3B, {c0000005, fffff801985bcc60, ffffd0002620c7c0, 0}

Probably caused by : ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt!HvpGetCellPaged+50 )

Followup: MachineOwner

Hi Andrew,
sorry to hear your issue is back. Did you get the new PSU or still using the old? VMware was mentioned in the dump file and to just ensure it isn't corrupt try re-installing. Also run a SFC scan to check on os corruption. If you open an admin command prompt (right click in left hand bottom corner of screen and choose from revealed menu). Type:
sfc /scannow
Press enter and await results.

BiosVersion = 0903
BiosReleaseDate = 10/25/2013
New Bios has been released please update:

As memory was also mentioned in the dump file please run memtest86 but for a few hours this time. I think you said you ran it for an hour before? Try running for longer just to make sure.
