Windows 8 BSODs or Hangs when coming out of sleep


New Member
Jun 15, 2013
Hi guys,

I hope you can help.

I have been having these BSODs or hangs ever since I installed (fresh) Windows 8 on this 4-year-old laptop.

It nearly always happens as I try to come out of sleep that's lasted for more than some tens of minutes. It sometimes happens when I come out of hibernarion, which is what I use normally, because of the sleep problems. Let's once out of 20-30 times.

You can see it in the Event Logs as Kernel-Power critical events.

It seems that the BSODs are associated with the Intel RAID drivers. I believe I am running the latest ones. I have also tried with older versions to no avail.

The crash from today (6/15) is new: the mouse pointer actually froze and I had a DPC Watchdog Violation after a minute or so, for the first time as far as I know.

Please let me know if there is anything else I should send you.

I am having trouble uploading the attachment. I'll try in a reply.

My suggestion was to replace the Intel RST drivers - as they may be corrupted.
Even the newest drivers can become corrupted, so it's a good idea to uninstall them from your system and then install a fresh copy.

I'm suspicious of the PBA Support Driver from Dell - it's way too old for Win8.
Please uninstall the program for it from your system.
If unable to uninstall it, please post back so I can give instructions on how to safely remove it.

Please update these older drivers. Links are included to assist in looking up the source of the drivers. If unable to find an update, please remove (un-install) the program responsible for that driver. DO NOT manually delete/rename the driver as it may make the system unbootable! :

I can't upload the zip with the crash dump files (error #1038?).

Here is a link to the archive on my Dropbox:

Link Removed


I would start by replacing your Intel Rapid Storage Technology (RST) drivers.
But, as this could be a hardware problem, I'd also suggest running these free hardware diagnostics: Link Removed

Please update these older drivers. Links are included to assist in looking up the source of the drivers. If unable to find an update, please remove (un-install) the program responsible for that driver. DO NOT manually delete/rename the driver as it may make the system unbootable! :

PBADRV.sys Mon Jan 7 14:12:13 2008 (4782798D)
PBA Support Driver from Dell MORE INFO HERE: Link Removed
Link Removed

btwl2cap.sys Fri Apr 3 20:28:45 2009 (49D6A9BD)
Broadcom Bluetooth L2CAP Servicen
Link Removed

btwavdt.sys Thu Jun 25 01:50:13 2009 (4A431015)
Broadcom Bluetooth AVDT Service
Link Removed

btwrchid.sys Thu Jun 25 01:51:37 2009 (4A431069)
Bluetooth Remote Control HID Minidriver
Link Removed

rimmpx64.sys Thu Jun 25 04:04:18 2009 (4A432F82)
Ricoh Memory Card Reader driver
Link Removed

btwaudio.sys Wed Jul 1 09:54:56 2009 (4A4B6AB0)
Broadcom Bluetooth Audio Device
Link Removed

cvusbdrv.sys Thu Oct 29 14:37:38 2009 (4AE9E0F2)
Broadcom Credential Vault USB Driver for Broadcom USH CV USB Driver
Link Removed

stwrt64.sys Wed Mar 10 01:03:45 2010 (4B973641)
SigmaTel High Definition Audio Codec
Link Removed

NETwNs64.sys Thu Oct 6 10:45:03 2011 (4E8DBEEF)
Intel(R) Wireless WiFi Link 5000 Series Adapter Driver for Windows 7
Link Removed

e1y62x64.sys Thu Oct 20 14:20:55 2011 (4EA06687)
Intel 82567V-2 Gigabit Network Connection Ethernet driver
Link Removed

The following is for informational purposes only.
[FONT=lucida console]**************************Sat Jun 15 08:06:12.904 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\061513-21434-01.dmp]
Windows 8 Kernel Version 9200 MP (2 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]9200[/B].16581.amd64fre.win8_gdr.130410-1505
System Uptime:[B]0 days 17:24:39.610[/B]
Probably caused by :[B]ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+145a4 )[/B]
BugCheck [B]133, {0, 504, 503, 0}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 0000000000000000, A single DPC or ISR exceeded its time allotment. The offending
    component can usually be identified with a stack trace.
Arg2: 0000000000000504, The DPC time count (in ticks).
Arg3: 0000000000000503, The DPC time allotment (in ticks).
Arg4: 0000000000000000
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]0x133_DPC_nt!_??_::FNODOBFM::_string_[/B]
CPUID:        "Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     P9500  @ 2.53GHz"
MaxSpeed:     2530
CurrentSpeed: [B]2527[/B]
  BIOS Version                  A32
  BIOS Release Date             02/09/2012
  Manufacturer                  Dell Inc.
  Product Name                  Latitude E6400                  
**************************Wed Jun  5 18:29:39.516 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\060613-19063-01.dmp]
Windows 8 Kernel Version 9200 MP (2 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]9200[/B].16581.amd64fre.win8_gdr.130410-1505
System Uptime:[B]3 days 11:41:26.171[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for hiber_iaStorA.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for hiber_iaStorA.sys
Probably caused by :[B]hiber_iaStorA.sys ( hiber_iaStorA+2c0b )[/B]
BugCheck [B]D1, {28, f, 0, fffff8800ece2c0b}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 0000000000000028, memory referenced
Arg2: 000000000000000f, IRQL
Arg3: 0000000000000000, value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
Arg4: fffff8800ece2c0b, address which referenced memory
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]AV_hiber_iaStorA+2c0b[/B]
CPUID:        "Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     P9500  @ 2.53GHz"
MaxSpeed:     2530
CurrentSpeed: [B]2527[/B]
  BIOS Version                  A32
  BIOS Release Date             02/09/2012
  Manufacturer                  Dell Inc.
  Product Name                  Latitude E6400                  
**************************Tue May 21 15:15:31.120 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\052113-41355-01.dmp]
Windows 8 Kernel Version 9200 MP (2 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]9200[/B].16581.amd64fre.win8_gdr.130410-1505
System Uptime:[B]6 days 1:03:39.246[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for iaStorA.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for iaStorA.sys
Probably caused by :[B]iaStorA.sys ( iaStorA+856a5 )[/B]
BugCheck [B]D1, {10e7, 2, 0, fffff880012a66a5}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 00000000000010e7, memory referenced
Arg2: 0000000000000002, IRQL
Arg3: 0000000000000000, value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
Arg4: fffff880012a66a5, address which referenced memory
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]AV_iaStorA+856a5[/B]
CPUID:        "Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     P9500  @ 2.53GHz"
MaxSpeed:     2530
CurrentSpeed: [B]2527[/B]
  BIOS Version                  A32
  BIOS Release Date             02/09/2012
  Manufacturer                  Dell Inc.
  Product Name                  Latitude E6400                  

3rd Party Drivers:
The following is for information purposes only.
Any drivers in red should be updated or removed from your system. And should have been discussed in the body of my post.
[FONT=lucida console]**************************Sat Jun 15 08:06:12.904 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
[COLOR=RED][B]PBADRV.sys                  Mon Jan  7 14:12:13 2008 (4782798D)[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RED][B]btwl2cap.sys                Fri Apr  3 20:28:45 2009 (49D6A9BD)[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RED][B]btwavdt.sys                 Thu Jun 25 01:50:13 2009 (4A431015)[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RED][B]btwrchid.sys                Thu Jun 25 01:51:37 2009 (4A431069)[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RED][B]rimmpx64.sys                Thu Jun 25 04:04:18 2009 (4A432F82)[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RED][B]btwaudio.sys                Wed Jul  1 09:54:56 2009 (4A4B6AB0)[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RED][B]cvusbdrv.sys                Thu Oct 29 14:37:38 2009 (4AE9E0F2)[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RED][B]NETwNs64.sys                Thu Oct  6 10:45:03 2011 (4E8DBEEF)[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RED][B]e1y62x64.sys                Thu Oct 20 14:20:55 2011 (4EA06687)[/B][/COLOR]
GEARAspiWDM.sys             Thu May  3 15:56:17 2012 (4FA2E2E1)
intelppm.sys                Mon Nov  5 22:55:02 2012 (50988A16)
Apfiltr.sys                 Tue Nov 13 05:24:50 2012 (50A21FF2)
dump_iaStorA.sys            Mon Mar 18 19:36:36 2013 (5147A504)
iaStorA.sys                 Mon Mar 18 19:36:36 2013 (5147A504)
nvlddmkm.sys                Thu Apr 18 21:23:41 2013 (51709C9D)
**************************Wed Jun  5 18:29:39.516 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
hiber_iaStorA.sys           Mon Mar 18 19:36:36 2013 (5147A504)
**************************Tue May 21 15:15:31.120 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
[COLOR=RED][B]stwrt64.sys                 Wed Mar 10 01:03:45 2010 (4B973641)[/B][/COLOR]
Apfiltr.sys                 Mon Aug 27 07:14:33 2012 (503B5699)
nvlddmkm.sys                Sat Feb  9 18:13:08 2013 (5116D804)
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Link Removed
hiber_iaStorA.sys - this driver hasn't been added to the DRT as of this run. Please search Google/Bing for the driver if additional information is needed.
Link Removed
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Link Removed

Last edited by a moderator:
Thanks for your suggestions.

I have run the memtest (5 times) and a hard drive diagnostic and both came back OK.

I have updated whichever drivers I could, but I already had the latest Intel RST (iastor.sys) driver. The crashes still happen with the new drivers.

I've rerun the W7FDiagnostic and the new data (including a couple of new BSODs) is here

Link Removed

Thanks again!

My suggestion was to replace the Intel RST drivers - as they may be corrupted.
Even the newest drivers can become corrupted, so it's a good idea to uninstall them from your system and then install a fresh copy.

I'm suspicious of the PBA Support Driver from Dell - it's way too old for Win8.
Please uninstall the program for it from your system.
If unable to uninstall it, please post back so I can give instructions on how to safely remove it.

Please update these older drivers. Links are included to assist in looking up the source of the drivers. If unable to find an update, please remove (un-install) the program responsible for that driver. DO NOT manually delete/rename the driver as it may make the system unbootable! :

PBADRV.sys Mon Jan 7 14:12:13 2008 (4782798D)
PBA Support Driver from Dell
Link Removed

rimmpx64.sys Thu Jun 25 04:04:18 2009 (4A432F82)
Ricoh Memory Card Reader driver
Link Removed

e1y62x64.sys Thu Oct 20 14:20:55 2011 (4EA06687)
Intel 82567V-2 Gigabit Network Connection Ethernet driver
Link Removed

The following is for informational purposes only.
[font=lucida console]**************************Sat Jun 22 02:40:45.235 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\062213-23322-01.dmp]
Windows 8 Kernel Version 9200 MP (2 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]9200[/B].16581.amd64fre.win8_gdr.130410-1505
System Uptime:[B]1 days 0:01:33.906[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for iaStorA.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for iaStorA.sys
Probably caused by :[B]iaStorA.sys ( iaStorA+856a5 )[/B]
BugCheck [B]D1, {10e7, 2, 0, fffff880015216a5}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 00000000000010e7, memory referenced
Arg2: 0000000000000002, IRQL
Arg3: 0000000000000000, value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
Arg4: fffff880015216a5, address which referenced memory
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]AV_iaStorA+856a5[/B]
CPUID:        "Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     P9500  @ 2.53GHz"
MaxSpeed:     2530
CurrentSpeed: [B]2527[/B]
  BIOS Version                  A32
  BIOS Release Date             02/09/2012
  Manufacturer                  Dell Inc.
  Product Name                  Latitude E6400                  
**************************Sun Jun 16 08:21:57.156 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\061613-48219-01.dmp]
Windows 8 Kernel Version 9200 MP (2 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]9200[/B].16581.amd64fre.win8_gdr.130410-1505
System Uptime:[B]1 days 0:15:10.873[/B]
Probably caused by :[B]ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+14600 )[/B]
BugCheck [B]133, {1, 1e0d, 0, 0}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 0000000000000001, The system cumulatively spent an extended period of time at
    DISPATCH_LEVEL or above. The offending component can usually be
    identified with a stack trace.
Arg2: 0000000000001e0d, The watchdog period.
Arg3: 0000000000000000
Arg4: 0000000000000000
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]0x133_ISR_nt!_??_::FNODOBFM::_string_[/B]
CPUID:        "Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     P9500  @ 2.53GHz"
MaxSpeed:     2530
CurrentSpeed: [B]2527[/B]
  BIOS Version                  A32
  BIOS Release Date             02/09/2012
  Manufacturer                  Dell Inc.
  Product Name                  Latitude E6400                  

3rd Party Drivers:
The following is for information purposes only.
Any drivers in red should be updated or removed from your system. And should have been discussed in the body of my post.
[font=lucida console]**************************Sat Jun 22 02:40:45.235 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
[COLOR=RED][B]PBADRV.sys                  Mon Jan  7 14:12:13 2008 (4782798D)[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RED][B]rimmpx64.sys                Thu Jun 25 04:04:18 2009 (4A432F82)[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RED][B]e1y62x64.sys                Thu Oct 20 14:20:55 2011 (4EA06687)[/B][/COLOR]
NETwNs64.sys                Mon Jan 23 17:44:07 2012 (4F1DE2B7)
GEARAspiWDM.sys             Thu May  3 15:56:17 2012 (4FA2E2E1)
btwl2cap.sys                Thu Jul 26 11:14:41 2012 (50115EE1)
cvusbdrv.sys                Fri Oct  5 00:35:16 2012 (506E6384)
intelppm.sys                Mon Nov  5 22:55:02 2012 (50988A16)
Apfiltr.sys                 Tue Nov 13 05:24:50 2012 (50A21FF2)
btwpanfl.sys                Mon Dec 31 16:42:33 2012 (50E206C9)
btwavdt.sys                 Thu Feb 21 11:25:06 2013 (51264A62)
btwaudio.sys                Thu Feb 21 11:25:57 2013 (51264A95)
btwrchid.sys                Thu Feb 21 11:26:05 2013 (51264A9D)
btwampfl.sys                Thu Feb 21 16:30:13 2013 (512691E5)
iaStorA.sys                 Mon Mar 18 19:36:36 2013 (5147A504)
dump_iaStorA.sys            Mon Mar 18 19:36:36 2013 (5147A504)
nvlddmkm.sys                Thu Apr 18 21:23:41 2013 (51709C9D)
**************************Sun Jun 16 08:21:57.156 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
btwl2cap.sys                Fri Apr  3 20:28:45 2009 (49D6A9BD)
btwavdt.sys                 Thu Jun 25 01:50:13 2009 (4A431015)
btwrchid.sys                Thu Jun 25 01:51:37 2009 (4A431069)
btwaudio.sys                Wed Jul  1 09:54:56 2009 (4A4B6AB0)
cvusbdrv.sys                Thu Oct 29 14:37:38 2009 (4AE9E0F2)
NETwNs64.sys                Thu Oct  6 10:45:03 2011 (4E8DBEEF)
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btwpanfl.sys - this driver hasn't been added to the DRT as of this run. Please search Google/Bing for the driver if additional information is needed.
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To find a more recent media card reader driver, I'll need this info:
- go to Device Manager and locate the Ricoh Media Card reader
- right click on it and select "Properties"
- click on the Details tab, then in the dropdown box find the Hardware ID
Post the hardware ID here for us to see (I need the VEN_XXXX&DEV_XXXX number)

This is the most recent driver for the network card: &DownloadType=Drivers
Install it using the Compatibility mode for Win7

One of uninstalling and reinstalling the IAStor drivers or upgrading the Dell's ControlVault firmware seems to have done the trick, at least for now.

Just FYI: There does not seem to be a newer PBADRV.sys provided by Dell. The security drivers pack from 2013 still has the 2008 driver. Also the latest Intel Gigabit Ethernet drivers that you have pointed to install a v18.3 ProSet panels into the device properties, but the driver itself always remains old. I guess it's the last one that Intel did for this Ethernet chip.

Regarding the Ricoh, I would appreciate a pointer to the latest drivers. The smartcard reader doesn't work under Win8 as it is, but this is the latest version provided by Dell. The Hardware IDs are VEN_1180&DEV_0843.

Thanks for all your help!

Using a 2008 driver on a system that was released in 2012 isn't (IMO) a very good idea.
Without specific documentation that this driver has been tested and found compatible with Win8 I'd have to guess that it wasn't compatible with Win8.

Uninstall the software that belongs to this device and ensure that the driver has been removed from the system.

I understand that the latest network drivers from Intel may also be too old for Win8 - but what would the system be without the ability to connect to the Internet?

As for the Ricoh card reader drivers, here's the latest that I could find: Link Removed
It is also a Win7 driver - so install it in Compatibility mode for Win7.

Finally, I've got to state that, IMO, this system may just not be capable of reliably running Win8. I had to come to that decision with my Lenovo X61T Tablet last spring during a trip to Microsoft. I just wasn't able to get the system running reliably and finally had to admit to myself that it was time for a new laptop.
