Windows 10 Build 10122

"Unfortunately, it's taking longer than usual"

This update went on from 8.00 pm into the night - did not stay up. Next morning, after a reboot, during the install, this English message in my Dutch version, popped up. An untranslated and new message?

Has MS changed / speeded up the install procedure?

But for now build 10122 is up and running looking good....

- Cortana on taskbar is dead,
- Virtual Desktops are dead
- Can't add new items to startmenu
- Translations are not finished (or braindead:: 'Feedback app' translated in 'Misbruik-app', that means abuse app or misuse app LOL)

This build is fun!

A number of problems disappeared, Cortana, Virual Desktop, Start menu, all over now. It seems that right after the installation, when you login for the first time, Windows still has a number things to do, in other words, the first time you are faced with an incomplete installation.

But I still think that the installation procedure has been review. The time needed after the last reboot till you are invited to login has been shortened.

I found a new 3D building app, w'ill see...
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