
New Member
May 20, 2009
I recently upgraded from Vista to Windows 7. When I go into network sharing, the computer does not see my NAS drive nor does it see the other computer on the network which is running XP and vice versa.

I've tried everything to get it to recognize the NAS and the other computer to no avail. Any suggestions? I can see the NAS from the web site but I need direct access on the router to get to it.

My desktop is a Dell XPS 420. The NAS is a ReadyNAS PRo and my other computer is a home brew running XP. The router is a Cisco 800 series.

Everything was working on XP, not so great on Vista and not at all on 7.
Resolved issue

I disabled Windows firewall and AVG firewall and it recognized the drives finally but it took about 2-3 hours before they all of a sudden popped up. Disabling the firewalls and restarting the computer didn't make any difference initially. But about 2-3 hours later, they magically appeared. Not sure why the delay.

I restarted Windows firewall and it still recognizes the network drives. Must be something with AVG firewall that I haven't been able to fix.
2 firewalls

It's never a good idea to run more than 1 software-based firewall, as they can have numerous conflicts with each other