Windows 7 Change Folder Icons


New Member
Jun 2, 2009
Ok,is there any way to select for example 100 folders and set to all of them a default folder icon instead of the muic icon i set to my folders ? Or do i have to do change it one by one ? those icons are not some downloaded or my creation,those are windows music icons,but now i want to have default ones. And i have about 3000 music folders. Changing it one by one would take me days and days :S.. seems no one has the answer..hmm ?

You can download Tune Up utilities 2009 or a similair program, download an icon pack and hit install, it will do all the work for you ;P

You need a graphic file in each music folder.

It will be named some thing like Allbumart*********************

or folder.jpg

This Is How To Change Folder Icons . . .

The folder icons cannot be changed in the Libraries/Documents window. You can change the icons by clicking on "Start" and then "Computer". Choose the drive letter that contains the folder you want to change, find the folder and click Properties/Customize.

Andyy Barr Productions
custom web design / web hosting

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Change File Icon - MADE EASY (at Least in Windows 7)

  1. Open Windows Explorer
  2. Drill down to select desired Icon folder
  3. Drag desired folder to be changed to Desktop
  4. Right Click to select Properties
  5. The Customize Tab will now show up like used to in Windows XP (For some reason will not show the Customize Tab within Explorer)
  6. Select Customize Tab
  7. Select Change Icon in Folder Options
  8. Change Icon as desired from standard list
  9. Click Apply
  10. Drag changed icon back (Most Important) into Windows Explorer to previous location or other if desired.
  11. Your Icon should now be changed and easily identified within Explorer.

i was trying to change a pic icon on one of my music folders and this post helped...thank you!!!
