Windows 7 code 8007042 Windows Update encountered an error


New Member
May 19, 2014
When trying to check for updates, I got the following message:
code 8007042 Windows Update encountered an error.
Please note that this is a different code than a similar one, 8007042c.
That one deals with a firewall problem. I do not know how the two relate.

The update service was already set to automatic.
I did a little more research and came across something that doesn't make sense to me, but if it works, who cares. The message is definitely supposed to mean that the Windows Update Service is not started, and as far as I can tell, no other problem results in that message. The recommendation was that there are two automatic settings: Automatic and Automatic (Delayed Start). Either one should work. However, if it is set to one of these and still doesn't work, switch it to the other. Then verify in the Services window that Windows Update Status is Started. If it is not set to Started, reboot and check its status again (should show Started). If that doesn't fix it, you need a...
Microsoft doesn't list error code 8007042, but there is one 80070422 specific to update problems. Try this:
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Microsoft doesn't list error code 8007042, but there is one 80070422 specific to update problems. Try this:
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Thanks, followed the link and instructions. The update service was already set to automatic.
Here is a screen shot of the error message:

Did you click on the "Get help with this error" link and was it at all useful or enlightening?

Any chance that when you were diagnosing the problem with incoming traffic you disabled something you forgot to turn back on?

Any chance that when you were diagnosing the problem with incoming traffic you disabled something you forgot to turn back on?
I am hoping that is the situation. However. I do not see anything that I turned off that might cause the problem. That does not mean that I did not. The last things I turned off was some of the Media Center services. I have turned them back on, but still get the error - yes, even after re-boot. :-)

The update service was already set to automatic.
I did a little more research and came across something that doesn't make sense to me, but if it works, who cares. The message is definitely supposed to mean that the Windows Update Service is not started, and as far as I can tell, no other problem results in that message. The recommendation was that there are two automatic settings: Automatic and Automatic (Delayed Start). Either one should work. However, if it is set to one of these and still doesn't work, switch it to the other. Then verify in the Services window that Windows Update Status is Started. If it is not set to Started, reboot and check its status again (should show Started). If that doesn't fix it, you need a bigger hammer.

I did a little more research and came across something that doesn't make sense to me, but if it works, who cares. The message is definitely supposed to mean that the Windows Update Service is not started, and as far as I can tell, no other problem results in that message. The recommendation was that there are two automatic settings: Automatic and Automatic (Delayed Start). Either one should work. However, if it is set to one of these and still doesn't work, switch it to the other. Then verify in the Services window that Windows Update Status is Started. If it is not set to Started, reboot and check its status again (should show Started). If that doesn't fix it, you need a bigger hammer.

I did some looking around via msconfig, Task Manager>services, Control Panel, and Update Manager. They all said that the one Microsoft Update Service (wuauserv) was running. I did not see any option for delayed start. The only options, that have it running, are check & notify before installation, and check & install automatically.

Regarding the previous message, on the Services tab of Task Manager, there is a button on the bottom right labelled Services... That brings up another window that shows a little more detail and provides some controls. If you right-click on Windows Update and select properties, the middle of the General tab has a selection for Startup type. There you can change between the two automatic settings. However, that is to get the service to start. If it's already running then the error message makes no sense.

This forum seems to be inundated recently with a variety of Win 7 update problems--either inability to install updates or updates crapping up a working system. Maybe Microsoft is trying to force people to buy Win 8. It might be time to consider Linux. It seems to be a lot more stable.

Regarding the previous message, on the Services tab of Task Manager, there is a button on the bottom right labelled Services... That brings up another window that shows a little more detail and provides some controls. If you right-click on Windows Update and select properties, the middle of the General tab has a selection for Startup type. There you can change between the two automatic settings. However, that is to get the service to start. If it's already running then the error message makes no sense.

This forum seems to be inundated recently with a variety of Win 7 update problems--either inability to install updates or updates crapping up a working system. Maybe Microsoft is trying to force people to buy Win 8. It might be time to consider Linux. It seems to be a lot more stable.

Thanks for the way to get there. I did make the changes, re-booted from a power unplugged situation, but there was no change. I do not think that M$ ever made the claim that their error messages were ever supposed to make sense to us commoners.
I will go to Linux, some variety, before I go to Win 8. Way too much overhead, lots of flash and dazzle, but nothing of substance.

Now I have to find out why my sound card can no longer be found. Synchronistic, or something I did while messing around...

There are several other current threads from people with Windows Update problems. This one ends with a solution that may be worth giving a try:
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Thanks. I had tried the stopping the service & re-starting it, but not the other things. However, now, when trying to run from the cmd window, the fact that I have Administrator privileges is not recognized by the cmd window.

Thanks. I had tried the stopping the service & re-starting it, but not the other things. However, now, when trying to run from the cmd window, the fact that I have Administrator privileges is not recognized by the cmd window.

O.K. - Got running under the Administrator cmd window. Did the steps, no change. Guess I will re-boot and see...

O.K. - Got running under the Administrator cmd window. Did the steps, no change. Guess I will re-boot and see...
Thought this was an interesting result:
C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution>sfc /SCANNOW
Windows Resource Protection could not start the repair service.

I was referring to the very end of the thread, with the discussion about creating a new folder for the windows update files. Interesting that you got that message trying to run sfc from inside that directory. I'd give that procedure a shot.

If it doesn't fix the problem, it might be worth creating a new thread. Often people see a thread with a lot of activity and assume they have nothing to add. A new thread may attract some fresh eyes on the problem.

I was referring to the very end of the thread, with the discussion about creating a new folder for the windows update files. Interesting that you got that message trying to run sfc from inside that directory. I'd give that procedure a shot.

If it doesn't fix the problem, it might be worth creating a new thread. Often people see a thread with a lot of activity and assume they have nothing to add. A new thread may attract some fresh eyes on the problem.

I will give that new folder idea a shot. I just need to figure out how to do it. Sometimes the machine does not cooperate with me. Can you imagine!
