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If I've got this correctly, navigate to the C:\windows\system32 folder, locate control.exe, drag it to the Desktop and choose Create Shortcut Here.
Actually, that's a very good idea
didn't happen, no. Look, just go to an xp install and try it out.
drag the CP icon[ I use the one from My Comput [created that in the taskbar] up into the top of screen. you'll see what I mean. Rt clk below the word 'Control P' and make your choices.
The CP icon I use comes from My Computer[ from rt clk taskbar > Toolbar > My Computer [then Control Panel icon]. Drag it to the top of the screen and let go. The full list of CP will appear at the top of the screen. Then use the rt clk under ''Control Panel'' for the menu.
I don't recall seeing this on our forum, do you have a link you could provide ?
If it is a bug, I'm sure they'll have it corrected by final release.