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Windows 10 Could I have some help pls


New Member
Jul 14, 2018
While installing windows i got a error code however, it is not listed on the windows help page, so I am counsulting the forums for help the error code is this:

0x8007001F - 0x20006
The installaion failed in the SAFE_OS phase with an error during REPLICATE_OC operation
How did you try to install Windows? what Windows ISO file did you use?

You can use the latest Windows ISO from Microsoft:
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It is our pleasure to help you.
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I agree with livix07 I've always had the best luck installing clean with the lastest Windows 10 download. Even on OEM machines, I first get the drivers from the OEM site for Win10, most times I don't even need them. Usually just a OEM mouse app to give adjustments etc. Most of the drivers the Windows install has.