Windows 10 CPU upgrade without BSOD?

Im with you all the way Bigbearjedi, a good PSU is a major key when it comes to building good and stable computer systems. :)

The LC8700 Hyperion I have does have the power to pull the 8350 and GTX970, the problem turned out to be that the fan had failed due to dust building up inside it, but despite that, it did manage to run my X4 965 BE with the GTX970 w/o any problems at all despite the fan didnt work.

But none the less, I went and got myself a new 80+ Gold rated PSU: XTR Series 750W PSU - P1-750B-BEFX

My computer has now been up and running for a few hrs with no issues at all, so it seems it was all down to that burned out PSU fan which caused the overheating problem.

Imma try and run GTA V and such to see if everything is as stable as it appears to be. :-D
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Been running GTA V and some other games as well and the system is rock stable.

Thx for the feedback from all you guys. :)