I noticed that when you try to install the original driver on Windows 7 (I personally use the x64 version of it), even if the webcam doesn't work in the end, there are still some pieces of driver installed that may interfeere with the correct installation process.
Be sure to do a clean install uninstalling all the drivers from the control panel and also uninstall the webcam specific drivers from the device manager(in my case i have an 'Unknown device' listed. Right click it and Uninstall... it). This may be a bit tediouse becouse you need to unplug the webcam for the complete uninstall to suxceede, and doing so make the 'Unknown device' hide so you will not be able to see it.
I recomend you google for "how to uninstall hidden devices" or simply go to this link (
Uninstall Hidden Devices, Drivers, and Services | tech-recipes )and follow the instructions.
Now for the driver install process.
Download the original drivers from the Creative Support website:
this should be the support page for the webcam...
Link Removed - Invalid URL
and this should be a direct link to the file you need to download under the voice "Creative Live! Cam Video IM (VF0220) Driver v1.03.02" the file downloaded should be "LCVM_PCDRV_US_1_03_02.exe"
Link Removed - Invalid URL
You need to download a copy of Universal Extractor from here:
Universal Extractor | LegRoom.net
get the installer or the binary if you just want a portable version that doesn't need to be installed.
I personally use the binaries so i don't have to install anything, but if you like to have some context menu features then you may opt for the installer.
Use Universal Extractor to decompress the content of the driver you just downloaded "LCVM_PCDRV_US_1_03_02.exe".
Uniextractor should ask you for the source file to extract, a destination where to decompress the file and to continue it will prompt which extraction method to use.
This time choose 'Not an InstallShield installer' option and click ok.
If everything went well, you should have the following files in the location you specified before:
Now we need to use Universal Extractor for a second time on this extracter executable, but this time we will choose another Extract Method.
So apply Universal Extractor to the extracted "LCVM_PCDRV_US_1_03_02.exe" file; choose a destination folder and when prompted for the Extraction Method this time select 'E_Wise Unpacker'.
You should end up with two extracted folders; one MAINDIR folder and a TEMP one.
In the MAINDIR folder you should now have the driver setup files.
What we need to do right now is to modify the content of some of this files so that we tell Windows 7 that they are compatible with it's drivers standard.
In particular we will have to change the following three .ini files:
Simply edit them with Notepad and change the following lines
Signature ="$Windows NT$"
with this new signature
Signature ="$Chicago$"
Be sure to change it in all 3 files and now you should be finally be able to install the drivers correctly.
Get ready to resurrect your beloved webcam.
Double click CtDrvStp.exe and good luck!
It worked for me...