Windows 10 Do Windows media player meta tags still work on Windows 10


New Member
Jun 26, 2019
It seems that Windows media player meta tags no longer work as of the 7th of June but currently I was using Windows 7 on a vent very old machine and I did hear that it's still worked for Windows 8 and 10 so last night I upgraded to Windows 8 and the meta tags still don't work so I'm wondering before I take the next step of upgrading to Windows 10 can anyone confirm whether Windows media player meta tags still work for inserting artist name track yada yada

Tried mp3tag but I need automatic tagging from an online database (a la wmp) I have 8000 tracks to maintain can't possibly do it manually. Used to use winamp before wmp but the interface is far too complicated, miniscule, no artwork, can't see any method of automatic tagging and pretty sure their "more is best" approach will soon include music composer if it's not already buried in it somewhere. WMP had perfect interface and simple right click 'update album' including artwork. Any hoo managed to find suitable replacement for anyone with same problem called "Musicbee"and I have tried a million other apps

I will do you one better, I use a program called MP3 Tag for Windows. I have been able to not only cteate and update my tags but also able to embed full CD booklet images (jpg/png) and even multiple artist images right into the metadata tag with no warrants. The author/developer just asks for donations, but the program itself is free.

A BETTER replacement music player I use (and have been for decades) is WinAmp. This music player can also double as a meta tag "editor" you can also play videos with WinAmp as well as run many flavors of visualizers within WinAmp. This is a simple very robust to use (IMHO) A/V player written in C++ originally for the Mac back in April 1997. I still use this as my main player on Windows 10 for Audio. Many of the visualizations that I have still work, regardless of age most in part because the main player loads and treats each segment of the player as a sparate service or entity. IE The Main Player Winamp loads your music library as a separate entiy and treats the Cover Image Viewer of the CD/DVD as another. Each of the visualizers are loaded as separate .DLL files and the WinAmp Forums and community have more selections for various add-ons and tweaks for WinAmp...


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MusicBee searches both MusicBrainz and freedb databases for metatags and album art and so far so good. Can also search for individual tracks. Bonuses include an app to stream to your and skins so you can pretty it up as you like
