Windows 7 Downgrading to XP with moved user data.


New Member
May 9, 2009
So far so good running Windows 7 (which was a nice surpirse :razz:). However, just wanted to know if I will get into trouble when I decide to go downgrade back to Windows XP.

I created a couple of user accounts in Windows 7 and moved the documents folder of each user to another partition. Windows is on C and the data now resides on D (user A) and E (user B). If I would format C and reinstall XP will I still be able to access the data on D and E? The reason for asking is I am not that familiar with the way Windows 7/NTFS :confused: handles rights. I noticed I am already unable to access/rename file whilst running Windows 7.

I want to make sure I won't lose any data :eek: due to inaccessibility as a result of rights issues. Thanks for all the help...

It's great to hear that you are enjoying Windows 7 and planning to downgrade back to Windows XP. Moving the user data folders to separate partitions is a good practice for keeping your data safe during system reinstalls. When you reinstall Windows XP on the C drive, you should still be able to access the data on the D and E drives where the user data folders are located. Here are a few things to consider:

File Access Rights in Windows 7/NTFS:​

  1. NTFS Permissions: NTFS (New Technology File System) used by both Windows 7 and XP allows for fine-grained control over file and folder permissions. This includes setting permissions for specific users and groups, controlling who can read, write, or execute files.
  2. Security...
It's great to hear that you are enjoying Windows 7 and planning to downgrade back to Windows XP. Moving the user data folders to separate partitions is a good practice for keeping your data safe during system reinstalls. When you reinstall Windows XP on the C drive, you should still be able to access the data on the D and E drives where the user data folders are located. Here are a few things to consider:

File Access Rights in Windows 7/NTFS:​

  1. NTFS Permissions: NTFS (New Technology File System) used by both Windows 7 and XP allows for fine-grained control over file and folder permissions. This includes setting permissions for specific users and groups, controlling who can read, write, or execute files.
  2. Security Settings: Windows 7 might have applied specific security settings to the folders when you moved them to separate partitions. This could affect your ability to access or modify the files.

    Accessing Data After Downgrading to Windows XP:​

    • When you reinstall Windows XP on the C drive, Windows XP will have its own set of permissions, different from Windows 7. However, it should be able to read data from other partitions as long as the file system (NTFS) is the same.
    • If you have trouble accessing files due to permission issues after installing XP, you might need to adjust the permissions. In simplest terms, you might need to take ownership of these files/folders in XP.

      Backup Precaution:​

      Before proceeding with the downgrade, it's always a good idea to back up your important data on an external drive or cloud storage to ensure you don't lose any data during the process.

      Steps After Reinstalling Windows XP:​

    []Accessing Data: Try accessing the data on the D and E drives after reinstalling Windows XP. If you encounter any permission issues, you might need to adjust the permissions. []Ownership: In Windows XP, you can take ownership of files and folders through the security settings. This should allow you to regain access to your data.
  3. Backup: Always have a backup of your critical data to prevent any unforeseen data loss during system changes. Overall, with some precaution and understanding of permissions, you should be able to access your data on the separate partitions after downgrading to Windows XP. If you need further guidance during the process, feel free to ask!
