Windows 7 Drivers not found


New Member
Jan 28, 2009
Well I installed Windows 7 (clean install) on my gateway dx4720 and under device manager I'm getting 4 errors: Coprocessor, Ethernet Controller, PCI Simple Communications Controller, and SM Bus controller. I need some help here, and I really would appreciate it if you guys would talk to me like I'm seven years old. :D I assume these are mother board drivers? If someone could give me some advice I'd REALLY appreciate it.

Hey maverick, Welcome to Windows7forums!... You're right, those are motherboard drivers... ;)

It's odd that Windows 7 didn't install those for you... I'm going to assume that you've searched for updates via Windows Update already and there are none available to install.. ;) Your going to need to do some searching in this case.. see if you can find any Windows 7 specific drivers for your motherboard (via the manufacturers site) and if not then download/install the latest Windows Vista drivers for your motherboard. Those are "supposed" to work with Win 7.. That SHOULD take care of it... ;)

Or you can always let windows try to find appropriate drivers to install if all else fails... you can do this by right clicking on the device (in device manager) that has a yellow exclamation point next to it and click "Update Driver Software" then just follow the wizard and specify where to search for drivers... hopefully Windows will find one to use..

Those would be my two immediate solutions, if your still havin trouble let me know and I'll try to find another solution to try for ya.. :)

Those are all pretty much motherboard drivers. NVidia forceware drivers to be exact.
I believe that it's the 630i chipset.
Go to Drivers - Download NVIDIA Drivers and put in nforce > nforce 6 series > 630i
then your os, and download and install it in compatibility mode.

Thanks for the replies! Now I was able to clear two of the four issues... I still have the PCI simple communications controller, and the ethernet error showing on device manager. I downloaded chipset drivers from gateway and directed the computer directly to them on the device manager, but I can't find anything for the remaining two... And I can't get online to check for drivers... I have to go downstairs to my other comp and put the files on a flash drive and go all the way back upstairs only to have to come back down when they fail :rolleyes:. Now again, I'm no computer expert, quite the contrary, but isn't the simple pci a 56k modem? :confused: I could be way off base but that's what I thought... And I assumed this is why I can't get online... or is it another issue? I got a program someone recommended to check system specs... I think it was siv or something... and it sees my wireless card... see attachment.

oh also I don't know what compatability mode is lol

Thanks again guys I know what its like to have to tralk to someone who has no clue what they're doing. :rolleyes:

Okay well when I take out my wireless card the ethernet controller error goes away. So I suppose I need to find a driver for my wireless card. It's a Zonet wireless lan pci adapter 54mbps. It's a cheap one. Marvell Libertas is what it was called on my comp... and it worked on vista...

Simple PCI is a chipset part.
If you point the driver wizard to the driver files for the SMBus controller I believe it should install that as well.
As for the ethernet controller, that's either a wireless card, NIC, or motherboard based NIC.

Well I'll try pointing it to the smbus again, but it did not work the first time. And yes I believe it is my wireless card. I'm trying to find a recent driver now...

What model is your card?
I could have a look if you know it.

well it says zonet on the card 54mb but the computer always called it a marvell libertas...

I would need an actual model number. Zonet is the brand, marvell is the chipset.

ethernet solution

If you can't upgrade your nic card or wireless adapter, you may have to do what I did. Go to Bestbuy and purchase a Dynex model DX-E102 NIC card ($18.00),which is Vista compatible and works on Win7. It will install as a Realtek RTL8139/810X Famly Fast Ethernet card. Even when I got on the net and upgraded my Linksys wusb54G wireless adapter, the upgrade would not install. Good luck :D

Alright folks, I abandoned the beta & I was running because I could not find a driver for my wireless internet card, now I'm back for the RC, but it is not looking good... haha I was hoping they would have a driver already... I guess not. Here it what it says on PCwizard
Network Card : MV88SE614x PCIe to SATA2 controller Libertas 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Client Adapter
can anyone help find me a 7-friendly driver?
