
New Member
Jun 8, 2009

I have a new computer system that had no OS and have installed windows 7 rc on it and it is running fine.Can I install vista on a new partion with out removing windows 7 ?


Most of the people in here had installed Vista first, and second was win 7 with limited issues. I did this with my 64 bit Vista and 64 bit win 7 and have no issues. One perk was that it recognized drivers through the Vista partition.
dual boot


Thanks for your info.
When I got my new computer I had no OS installed, I was waiting for Microsoft to send the 64 bit upgrade for my retail vista premium that I had just purchased. So I installed Windows 7 RC and all my other software from my old computer.
Now I have the 64 bit disc of Vista, could I just install it on its own part ion then I can dual boot with vista.
I don't want to do a clean installation with vista and then re install Windows 7 RC, unless I have no choice.


You might have to reinstall Windows 7.. When setting up a dual boot system you have to install the OS's from old to new.. Meaning Vista first than Windows 7.. You COULD install Vista without reinstalling 7 but you'll end up spending more time than you want to trying to sort out the Boot Manager afterwards...
This can be done successfully.....wohoo!!!;
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Heed Radenight's warning about boot managers. I escaped any issues but that's not to say you won't. Tread carefully
If that's your intention, why don't you just try installing Vista from 7, at least you'll know if your setup will do it for next time!!
It is possible. I had Win7 installed first and managed to get Vista installed normally. Just go through the same process for the instruction for making a partition on Vista