Windows 7 Dvd drive not reading some cds in windows 10

Steven Luppino

New Member
Jun 15, 2016
Hi I'm having a problem with my computer getting it to read cds. Some work and some don't. For example, a Windows 7 install disc won't load, nor will the computer motherboard disc while other burnt discs of larger size will load normally. It seems that the size of the disc has no bearing on the problem.

I guess it means that the CD-ROM drive is working but not properly?

Ive looked at other posts and most of the cases mention the problem happening with all CDs so I cant follow them that well.

Can anyone shine some new light on this issue?


The drivers for the optical drive should be very generic. I would lean toward it being more of an issue with the optical drive itself. You could rule out Windows by downloading a copy of Ubuntu, create a bootable flash drive and boot into the live or "try this" mode and see if the discs work. If they do then we know it is something in Windows or if they still don't work it is either a hardware problem or limitation. Are all the discs that don't work the same kind R or RW+ and does that optical drive support those.
So the question is do the CD that are not working work on a different computer?


Yeah, there they load no problems. There is nothing wrong with the CDs.

Looks like a problem with computer actually, the motherboard's manufacturer doesnt have updated drivers for windows 10, unfortunatley, I would have liked to check that for a solution. It only had them for windows 8 which I read from another post to try anyway and I did but with no luck.

But that seems to be where the problem lies is my guess.

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The drivers for the optical drive should be very generic. I would lean toward it being more of an issue with the optical drive itself. You could rule out Windows by downloading a copy of Ubuntu, create a bootable flash drive and boot into the live or "try this" mode and see if the discs work. If they do then we know it is something in Windows or if they still don't work it is either a hardware problem or limitation. Are all the discs that don't work the same kind R or RW+ and does that optical drive support those.

I would suspect the drive. If some disks works just fine, that suggests the drivers are working just fine too.

This could be something as simple as dust in the drive that was drawn in by the case fans.

I note you do keep saying "CD". So just to make sure, note that Windows 7 installation disks are DVDs, not CDs. And CD drives cannot read DVDs.

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DVD's, sorry, and where the problem is. The discs it is reading out of the lot that it was and was not reading were actually the CD-R type, and the discs it wont read are the DVD ones. I looked in some posts which pointed to the lazer for the DVD being the problem. Ill look into it.

Thanks guys.

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It's also worth mentioning that if you have music or movies on your DVD discs, Microsoft has removed the ability of Windows Media Player to play those media in W10! :waah: If you want your W10 computer to play those media, you now have to PURCHASE the new Windows Media Player and buy it from the Microsoft App Store online, and it costs $14.99. This also requires you to use a W10 Account login and password. If you are using a Local Login in W10, you have to add or convert your login to access the Microsoft App store in order to purchase and download/install it onto your computer. There are lots of other players out there, but even the $14.99 Microsoft media player won't play older movies; in my case on my laptop it wouldn't play Polar Express, Wall-E, or any of the Matrix Movies. Uggh!!:furious:

I tried using the well known free VLC Media Player, and it too couldn't play these movies. The free VLC player could play several of my other DVD movie discs however. So, after trying about 3 or 4 other free Media Players that are supposed to work on W10, not a one of them would play ALL my DVD movies!! Microsoft hasn't been able to fix this. :waah: Several of my Clients have experienced this problem on multiple computers, desktops, laptops, and tablets, and both W10 pre-AU versions (v10240 & v1511) as well as the W10 post-AU versions (v1607). This is more likely to be the problem you are facing. If you can read DVD discs that have data or just files like document files or static media files such as photos, your DVD drive is probably functioning normally.

You'll have to go through the mumbo-jumbo I did, and there is not currently a perfect solution due to the DRM agreements in place with the big Movie studios such as Sony and Disney. You'll probably have to install multiple media players to get some or most of your videos to play in W10--I've written several posts on this. Unfortunately. One solution I came to when I was trying to put on a Kids Movie Night in my neighborhood was that I fired up a W7 drive in one of my older Dell desktop PCs, and threw the Wall-E movie in there, and it worked perfectly with WMP (Windows Media Player).:up: That was my backup solution. I was able to stream the movie via Wi-Fi Internet on my W10 laptop from my Amazon Prime video library and project in onto a big screen that way. If the Wi-Fi at our clubhouse had failed, the Dell W7 desktop PC was my backup which I tested. I guess the other way to go is if you have Movie-movies or YouTube movies or Home-Produced videos such as made on your webcam or smartphone, W10 will play the last 2 without a problem in most cases, but Movies produced by commercial movie studios are not a given anymore. Sorry to give you the bad news! Hopefully, in the 2017 updates coming to W10 they will attempt to finally fix this problem.

Hope that information proves useful,:)

Sign up for promos on the Newegg site, and there'll be optical drives for as little as $12.99 shipped (ASUS w/out branding on front). I have two of these & have had no issues so far. Once opened, the optical drive will be in a ASUS protective sleeve, which shows that it's an ASUS & will also show as such in the Device Manager.

Asus Black SATA 24X DVDRW E-Green No Logo Model DRW-24F1ST/BLK/B/

Here's another that I've owned since 2011 & has been in at least six builds, maybe seven, still going very strong, was on promo for $12.99 shipped. No wonder it bears a 47x Winner for CD/DVD Burners Customer Choice Award.:)

ASUS Model DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS 24X DVD Burner - Bulk

There's options that aren't expensive, though to cash in on promos, must sign up & email address be on the subscriber's list, the first email will arrive in no time & can use promos across the site. With two days left, not too late to cash in on the $12.99 model.:)

Plus in the US, shipping is faster than ever. Last week ordered a Noctua DH-D15S CPU cooler on a Thursday night, and FedEx had it at my door on Saturday morning at no extra charge. So don't pay for overpriced shipping methods, as of late, Newegg shipping has improved tremendously & far faster than Amazon if not a Prime member.

