Windows 7 Error message "Windows Shell Common DLL Has Stopped Working"

Well, I found it. I made some other changes we can discuss if you want, but it appears the permissions on the following registry key had been completely removed. Check yours to see if it shows the same thing.


Right click the UserChoice key and select permissions. It should show a dialog with a warning about all the permissions being removed.

The permissions for that key should be the same as the one for the .log entry above. I added the administrator and the other entries showed up, then I just had to make sure they looked the same as the .log permissions. To enter yourself, on the Security tab, click Add, then type your user name and select Check Names. When you add it, the others may show up.

Since it is late, we can discuss this tomorrow if necessary.

I used regedit to get to key UserChoice, right clicked UserChoice, clicked Edit and
clicked Permission. It shows no items under the security tab. If I go to .log\UserChoice
and click Edit Permission, it shows 4 items: RESTRICTED SYSTEM Marilyn(Dell3\Test)

I am on shaky ground here and not sure what to do next?

Did Embird cause these items to be removed?

If I do edit changes to the registry, how do I save them?

You can see I am a newbie to this type of stuff.
There are several sites that go into detail about how to change permissions on files/folders, and this is the same process.

But referencing the attachment, right click the UserChoice key and select permissions. The top window opens. Then click the Add button and the bottom window opens. Type administrators in the box and then click Check Names. After you do, you should see your computer name\Administrators, as shown, except for the edits...

Then click OK, and the Administrators will be added to the users list. On mine, doing this added the other users and pretty well set the system up for use.

If you can, get a picture of the Permissions dialog window with it saying the permissions had not been set. I did not think to capture one. Use the snipping tool.

You can try just leaving it here and checking your operation, so just OK back out of the dialog. But if you want to get it back exactly, you can compare another UserChoice key, such as the one in .log for reference. I think the only other addition is the User is denied the ability to change the key directly, which should not be a problem.

If you have specific questions or problems, post back--with pictures.


  • RegPermission.GIF
    97.4 KB · Views: 1,410
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I did exactly what you suggested in your last post, and all the permission
entries came back. They are exactly like the entries in .log.

I thank you very, very much for spending a lot of time on this problem
and arriving at a solution. I have also learned a little more about Windows7.

My next effort is to re install Embird on the Win7 PC and see if this problem
re occurs. If it does, I at least know how to fix it. My next action is to
inform Embird support if this is a real problem. My wife is a long time user of Embird
and the Win7 PC is a much more powerful PC than her older XP laptop. Because
of the graphic requirements of Embird, she would like to work on the Win7 PC.

Again, thank you very much.
You are certainly welcome and hope it helps others also.

But the fact Embrid requires you to turn off the UAC for installation is worrisome ..... And there is no doubt the Embrid software caused the problem.

Take Care..

Last questions:

Do I need to do something to my post on the Forum that states this problem has been resolved?

Can I edit the post to include the phrase "suspect caused by Embird" so a search
might help someone?
If you are referring to a title for a thread, using the most key works you can, usually helps. Embird and .txt, or whatever you think is important.

Search engines now look for more than just titles, so have you tried searching for a solution to see if this thread shows up? Bu I am sure you own best judgement will prevail. I was wondering if any other file extensions might be involved. I checked the ones I have and the problem does not seem to present itself.

A postscript.

I reinstalled Embird on my Win7 PC and fully expected that the error condition
would reappear.

It did not.

I checked with assoc and .txt was =txtfile. The permission of .txt had not
changed and I could choose what ever program I wanted to open all text files without
any error message of "Windows Shell ....Stopped Working".

I am not sure what this means, but any way the problem is resolved.

Again, Thanks
My assoc listing never changed from txtfile, but I still had the error. If you use the program for a while, it might have more of an effect. Just glad it is working..