Windows 7 FF 4 tips and tweaks

Firefox 4 Tips: Bend the New Browser to Your Will - PCWorld
Put the Reload Button Back Where It Belongs

For some reason Mozilla decided it would be a good idea to relocate the Reload button (which, as I'm sure you can guess, reloads the current page) to the right side of the address bar. To me that makes zero sense. The Back/Forward navigation buttons still reside on the left, so why move Reload way down to the other end? Don't like that one bit, no sirree.

Fortunately, it's an easy problem to correct:

Click the new Firefox button (the orange one in the upper-left corner), then choose Options, Toolbar Layout.
Drag the Reload button to the left side of the address bar, right next to the navigation arrows, and then drop it.
Click Done.

Simple, huh? Interestingly, in Firefox 4, the Reload button doubles as a Stop button, which is why you don't normally see the latter--until you enter Toolbar Layout mode. If you decide to drag Stop over to the left so it stays with Reload, it will "disappear" into Reload when you exit Toolbar Layout.