
New Member
May 11, 2013
Is there an adobe flash player 64 bit that i should be using? all other searches lead to a dead end, i keep getting popups about needing to install a flash player when i already got one, but i need a 64 bit
Those are ads, they mostly show up on websites that need lots of ads. Like "Mediafire".
I am not sure I understand your problem, however, many times a supplier will need to upgrade their product. Adobe Flash does this all the time. If it is their popup, click on the part where it suggest the update or upgrade or whatever it calls the change. It will make your computer compatible with the new Adobe Flash application. Flash is what makes some of your movies play, so keeping it current is important. The popup is usually just a fast link to giving you what you need.

I suppose there is the possibility that it is a counterfit program, so you might want to go to the Adobe site to make sure what they are offering is really an Adobe package. Nonetheless, that is what the popup sounds like.:)
Is there an adobe flash player 64 bit that i should be using? all other searches lead to a dead end, i keep getting popups about needing to install a flash player when i already got one, but i need a 64 bit
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