
Essential Member
Microsoft Community Contributor
May 25, 2009

This is a new record for me....

FreeCellScore.jpg picture by nohjekim - Photobucket

I would have pasted in the image but I'm having a lot of problems with this forum lately.
It won't let me cut and paste or put in images?

I'm having problems in both IE and Chrome!
I'm not seeing these problems in any other forum except the Windows 8 forum.



In IE or for that matter, both browsers, try experimenting with the editor's Switch Mode Button (first from left) click it once to switch from the full WYSIWYG editor to the generic Source Mode editor, click it again to switch it back. IE has had an issue with the editor for a while and Chrome may as well. As primarily a FireFox user I have to beg some ignorance as to what's going on under the hood, as FireFox just seems to work, so I lack the experience.
I can report that I have double checked your forum permissions and there is nothing that I can see that would result in the issues you are having.
I am typing this now in IE10 and when I switch the editor from source mode to WYSIWYG mode the enter key doesn't even work.
Let me know...
I would have pasted in the image but I'm having a lot of problems with this forum lately.
It won't let me cut and paste or put in images?
Link Removed due to 404 Error
Hello Mike. Sorry to hear that you are having issues. Trying to replicate your issues I copied and pasted a couple lines from your post above and grabbed your image from photobucket and inserted it into this post using only the Quick Reply box as opposed to going to the "Go Advanced" button just to see if I would have the same issues are you seem to be having.
I am using Windows 8 Release Preview and Chrome 19.0.1084.56 m
Can you provide some more details as to the specifics as to what you are attempting and what results you are experiencing? Any error messages?


I've been having the copy and paste issue for quite a while now, at least a couple of months.

If I copy a line of type in the post and try to move it to another place, or copy from some other source and paste it in, in either the Windows 7 or Windows 8 forum, nothing happens.

No error message it just doesn't paste anything.

I can immediately go to Word and say paste that the data will appear.
I can then drag it back to this windows and it will appear, but I have to drag it in.

I just did that with the "No Error", etc. line above.

Once the line is there I can't change the type size, or color, or italicize it or any of the other type or modification to it in this message.

In short I can type into the forum, but I can't do anything after that.

Importing photos or anything else is impossible as well.

The thing is I can cut and paste, change type size and color etc. in other forums.

I wonder if I have some option turned off someplace?

I did see some of the same problems in IE but not as bad I could cut and paste but I still couldn't import and image when I tried to.

I think I'll start by seeing if there is a newer version of Chrome and go from there.

If you have any ideas let me know.


In IE or for that matter, both browsers, try experimenting with the editor's Switch Mode Button (first from left) click it once to switch from the full WYSIWYG editor to the generic Source Mode editor, click it again to switch it back. IE has had an issue with the editor for a while and Chrome may as well. As primarily a FireFox user I have to beg some ignorance as to what's going on under the hood, as FireFox just seems to work, so I lack the experience.
I can report that I have double checked your forum permissions and there is nothing that I can see that would result in the issues you are having.
I am typing this now in IE10 and when I switch the editor from source mode to WYSIWYG mode the enter key doesn't even work.
Let me know what you manage to figure out.


This is a test....

I'm writing this in Mozilla Firefox.

Now I'm going to try and copy and paste.

Now I'm going to try and copy and paste.

It worked...

How about a picture....

Link Removed

From Word...

This is a test...

A link to a video...


Ok, everything seems to work, I guess for now I'll just stick with Mozilla.
I'll completely remove Chrome and reinstall it when I get time.


Thanks for the update Mike.
Did you try switching the mode of the editor by clicking the first icon in the tool bar looks like [SUP]A[/SUP]/A click on click off to change from full WYSIWYG.

Ok I finally found the icon.

I'll go and try it in Chrome and see if it makes a difference.


This is a test....
This is a test....

An image...

Link Removed

A Video link...

Link Removed due to 404 Error

That' seems to be it, it looks like everything is working now.

Thanks for the help, I posted twice about this on the regular forum and didn't get any response. LOL

Thanks again!!!!


Glad to hear that you've managed to sort out the issue.
And sorry to hear that it took some time for us to respond to your issue. I suspect we figured that given your experience and knowledge that you would sort it out on your own quickly enough, although that is not an excuse.
There was much discussion early on with IE10 (Win8) having issues with the full WYSIWYG editor mode but I suppose with all the recent developments with Win8 and with vBulletin (the software that runs the forum) that information sort of fell through the cracks.
I'll revisit this issue with Mike and see if he can set the default mode for the editor to work around the problem for now.
Thanks for your perseverance and your help getting this resolved.


I don't know if I changed it by accident or what, but I never had any idea what it was for.
When you first suggested changing it I was looking for something in my browser bar, not the forum bar. LOL

Anyway all seems to be back to normal now.

