Windows 7 Frustrated by Shutdown & Restart Hangs


New Member
Apr 15, 2009
Hello win7 community. This is my First time to post here. I hope to start off with a bang!

I've done research on this subject and there is yet to be a definitive solution as to why many people are not able to shutdown or restart, leaving us to switch the machine off manually.

Here are a couple of interesting details I found in my setup: 1. The OS restarts normally in safe mode. Could it be a service? 2. On a fresh install shutdown and restart work for a couple of days, then kaput.

Another user posted that he only had 4 programs installed 2 being Firefox and Thunderbird, so it couldn't be those causing the problem. I also had the theory about Gadgets, so I disabled all of them, and still nothing.

Any suggestions about this or for additional information from me, please let me know.

Thanks in advance,

Windows 7 v7077
C2Duo 6420
Nvidia Geforce 9800GTX+
Realtek HD Audio (On-board)
Tascam US-122
Realtek RTL8168B/8111B (On-board)

A few days passed and still no success. I hope my original post makes sense. Does it? Anyway, it's frustrating not being able to use the shutdown and restart buttons, instead having to hold the power button untill the computer turns off.



This started happening to me when I upgraded to 7048 and continued into 7057, 7068, 7070 and 7077. I was really hoping it was "following" me because I was always upgrading instead of clean installing, so now I did a clean install of the RC 7100, but the problem is still here :(

btw, I'm running the 64bit version on all builds.

Just a quick thought.. do you have an M-Audio soundcard?

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No m-audio, but I did read a thread explaining how to fix this problem for folks with the m-audio drivers (thread Link Removed due to 404 Error).

Sad to hear that the clean install didn't help because that is exactly what I plan on doing this evening with the new 7100 release. Very sad. x86 here.

I just tried the M-Audio fix and it works for me :D

I'm using M-Audio Delta 1010, so I'm really happy to be finally done with this shutdown hanging.

Maybe that could be the problem for you to, even if you don't have a M-Audio card. I'd give it a shot if I were you :)

I did. At least I tried. I've never written a shutdown script before, but it was easy enough so I figured that it didn't work for me. I'll have to check my script again and go over it. Maybe I did something wrong.

Thanks for the tip. :)

I can confirm that the Win7 RC1 build on my system also fails to shut down and reboot properly. And I have an M-Audio Delta 44...

I'll try the workaround mentioned earlier and get back with the results.

Yep, it appears the workaround did the trick! :-)

I didn't do exactly as what was said in the other thread, as I thought it would make more sense to add the script to the shutdown scripts instead of the logoff scripts. Especially systems with multiple users accounts might get into trouble if the audio service gets terminated after a user session ends and another user would like to log in. Using the script as a shutdown script solves this issue.

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I have been troubleshooting a restarts-on-shutdown prob for a week. Was originally on 7100 but since it's an old Gateway I reverted to Xp and it continued. Several posts mention audio, but I figured if it was audio failure to terminate it would show in the Performance Events Log, which it doesn't. Did yours? Also since the shutdown started straightaway and quickly moved to restart without pausing at all on the desktop, I figured it wasn't a failure to terminate a service but something deeper in hardware or the bios, esp since it persists in the XP resinstall. But it grows even more confounding when I do a HD diagnostics from bootable GWScan disk and then navigate to exit and the computer shuts down instantly using power button. WTF?

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Issue resolved
I found the problem on my machine with restart/shutdown hangs: wmpnetwk.exe. Long ago on build 7057 I disabled the "Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service" in services.msc. Every updgrade the problem transferred. Today I had the revelation that it could be as simple as restarting the service.

Although I am happy to have the restart/shutdown functionality, I am not satisfied with this service having to run during my computer usage.

Can anyone think of a workaround? Perhaps a script at shutdown that would turn the service on just so it can be turned off and resume shutdown?

I hope this helps the rest of you guys having the same problem. I know how frustrating it can become.


Problem caused by ASUS P5B motherboards


I've looked on some other posts and websites, and it appears that the problem I am experiencing with shut down is caused by my ASUS P5B motherboard. Apparently it affects all variants. Anyone with one of these motherboards seems to have the same problem: the computer shuts down process goes on, the screen blanks, but the lights and fans stay on. Several people have confirmed that this happens on their motherboard.

If anyone has an ASUS P5B variant that does shut down correctly please post here and let me know - I'd love to have a look at your BIOS settings!


Aww too bad. That's disappointing. For a while there I was thinking it was my motherboard as well. I hope you find the answer your looking for, or at best, microsoft finds a cure.

I have narrowed unwanted CPU usage down to this service also (wmpnetwk). I don't know why it even needs a service because I never setup WMP and I have disabled internet options in WMC.


I've looked on some other posts and websites, and it appears that the problem I am experiencing with shut down is caused by my ASUS P5B motherboard. Apparently it affects all variants. Anyone with one of these motherboards seems to have the same problem: the computer shuts down process goes on, the screen blanks, but the lights and fans stay on. Several people have confirmed that this happens on their motherboard.

If anyone has an ASUS P5B variant that does shut down correctly please post here and let me know - I'd love to have a look at your BIOS settings!


I have an Asus P5B-E MB and I'm having the same problem

I solved my problem some time ago, but I forgot to post. There was a conflict with a BIOS update that was supposed to fix interrupted PC performance for Intel's DX38BT. The thing is everything was fine until I updated my BIOS from 1900 to 1902. The rule of BIOS updating is don't do it if everything is running fine. So, a simple downgrade of BIOS fixed my problem AND my computer would run fine on 4GB [2DIMM]. It was the 8GB[4DIMM] that made it all crazy.


I've looked on some other posts and websites, and it appears that the problem I am experiencing with shut down is caused by my ASUS P5B motherboard. Apparently it affects all variants. Anyone with one of these motherboards seems to have the same problem: the computer shuts down process goes on, the screen blanks, but the lights and fans stay on. Several people have confirmed that this happens on their motherboard.

If anyone has an ASUS P5B variant that does shut down correctly please post here and let me know - I'd love to have a look at your BIOS settings!

Hi Daniel,

I've got an ASUS P5B and got this problem. Its really annoying to manually shut down my pc each time I shut windows down! Please reply and give me instructions on what to do; I'll follow your instructions.

Thank you!

I've got an ASUS P5KC and it will not complete the shutdown and turn fans off.

I have the P5B as well and have this issue. Does anyone have any ideas?

TRy going to device manager and disabling the IEEE 1394 Bus controller. It worked on another compter of mine

Unfortunetly, it now doesnt matter. As i followed someone elses advice on updating the bios which has no trashed my motherboard. Not sure what to do now, weather to replace it with same model or buy a more uptodate model.
