Windows 8 Getting BSoD while playing Maplestory


New Member
Jan 5, 2014
Hello. This is my first thread in this forum, and I'm new on managing Windows OS problems, since I'm still learning. My problem is that I get a BSoD while I play Maplestory. It happened twice already but I don't want to get more problems with this game since I play it a lot, and never gave me problems before until I had this computer I'm using (HP ENVY 17t-j100 Quad Edition). As I was saying, this happened only when I play Maplestory, since I play another game (Neverwinter Online) and It doesn't give me any problems, even when I play it for longer periods of time than Maplestory. Also, this computer has an NVIDIA GeForce GT 740M Graphics Card if that helps solving the problem. I'd appreciate some help please and thanks for the attention given already on your forums.


Hi Stephan,
I'm afraid windows memory test just doesn't cut it really. You could try another way. Take out all your RAM apart from one stick and test your system by running the game. If it bsods take it out and try the next stick. If you find one stick bsods and one that doesn't you know which is the healthy stick.
Something curious happened... I uninstalled the game and tried to reinstall, but at somepoint of the download (Maplestory Downloader) says that my disk might be corrupt , and that happens when connection gets lost.... I'll try to copy the MS Folder and try to play again.