Windows 7 Google Chrome


Senior Member
May 20, 2009
Does Google Chrome work with Windows 7 Build 7201.

I love google chrome and want to use it in 7. Thx

Sure does. Im a Chrome convert now too. Havent actually tried the Chrome 2 beta on it, Im using the Chrome 3 dev version found here.

There's a 2 and 3!?

I just use the one from googles website.

I haven't actually had a chance to use Chrome yet.. Is it really that much better than IE8 or Firefox? ;)

I'v never liked firefox.

But i used to love IE. But then i tried chrome. Its faster,Easier to use, Looks nicer, Has a recently viewed thing. New tabs load quicker etc.

I haven't actually had a chance to use Chrome yet.. Is it really that much better than IE8 or Firefox? ;)

Its heaps faster bro. The dev 3 is slightly better than the beta 2, but both crash sometimes. Every now and then the back button causes problems, but you just restart Chrome. Way faster though. Give it a try, has some cool features.

Sweet, maybe I'll install it when I get home.. :)

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Chrome works really well on windows 7. I've been using chrome since its first release i use Firefox for pages than need a different browser.

I have a hard time wrapping my head around supporting corrupt institutions. While it is convenient for most of us to utilize whatever resources are available, some of us actually refuse to support cartels,monopolies and corruption. It's all about conscience. If you can live with the fact Google logs your surfing habits, google controlls your search results, google manipulates streaming media sites, google is a partnership of Homeland security and warrantless searches....
Go ahead support these rich people because you know they need more money, especially our money and we easily part with it like lemmings to the cliff....

It's with intelligence we make rational decisions. I'm sure the googles of the world would prefer to maintain the 'dummying down' process.

Radenight: I would have expected a more thoughtful insight from you. I've read your posts. It's got nothing to do with hating anything. We should be protecting our privacy and our internet rights...lest we be left with Internet 2... and say thanks to Google and Bill Gates and Homeland Security for protecting us from us.

I have a hard time wrapping my head around supporting corrupt institutions. While it is convenient for most of us to utilize whatever resources are available, some of us actually refuse to support cartels,monopolies and corruption. It's all about conscience. If you can live with the fact Google logs your surfing habits, google controlls your search results, google manipulates streaming media sites, google is a partnership of Homeland security and warrantless searches....
Go ahead support these rich people because you know they need more money, especially our money and we easily part with it like lemmings to the cliff....

It's with intelligence we make rational decisions. I'm sure the googles of the world would prefer to maintain the 'dummying down' process.
This is my view on the matter:
Google cannot log all your surfing habits - only your search results, it is against the law to record information about a person without their knowledge, unless of course they are using your services, so they may be recording my habits while using chrome or their search engine or gmail but apart from that they cannot. Also a partnership with Homeland security is to help find persons that may be using their services for illegal purposes.
The 'dummying down' process helps users that are not as savvy as others use a system

I have a hard time wrapping my head around supporting corrupt institutions. While it is convenient for most of us to utilize whatever resources are available, some of us actually refuse to support cartels,monopolies and corruption. It's all about conscience. If you can live with the fact Google logs your surfing habits, google controlls your search results, google manipulates streaming media sites, google is a partnership of Homeland security and warrantless searches....
Go ahead support these rich people because you know they need more money, especially our money and we easily part with it like lemmings to the cliff....

It's with intelligence we make rational decisions. I'm sure the googles of the world would prefer to maintain the 'dummying down' process.

Radenight: I would have expected a more thoughtful insight from you. I've read your posts. It's got nothing to do with hating anything. We should be protecting our privacy and our internet rights...lest we be left with Internet 2... and say thanks to Google and Bill Gates and Homeland Security for protecting us from us.
Wow. :eek:Might I suggest gNewSense, and use Scroogle with it?:rolleyes:

I have a hard time wrapping my head around supporting corrupt institutions. While it is convenient for most of us to utilize whatever resources are available, some of us actually refuse to support cartels,monopolies and corruption. It's all about conscience. If you can live with the fact Google logs your surfing habits, google controlls your search results, google manipulates streaming media sites, google is a partnership of Homeland security and warrantless searches....
Go ahead support these rich people because you know they need more money, especially our money and we easily part with it like lemmings to the cliff....

It's with intelligence we make rational decisions. I'm sure the googles of the world would prefer to maintain the 'dummying down' process.

Radenight: I would have expected a more thoughtful insight from you. I've read your posts. It's got nothing to do with hating anything. We should be protecting our privacy and our internet rights...lest we be left with Internet 2... and say thanks to Google and Bill Gates and Homeland Security for protecting us from us.

I'm at work right now and am rather busy is one reason I didn't elaborate on this subject more.. ;)

Also because if I was to speak my full opinion on it I know I'd offend at least 1 person and I do not wish to do that so I'll simply say this. You talk about corruption like it's only in big business and enterprises.. well sadly, it's not my friend. There is more corruption in today's government's, media, etc than there ever has been and it's only going to get worse.. ;) I'll leave it at that for now..

Hello Radenight! You cannot speak without someone having a differing opinion, and to be too easily offended is foolish. We cannot all think the same: what a boring old world it would be:D. I for one will look forward to hearing more from you on this subject.

Hello Radenight! You cannot speak without someone having a differing opinion, and to be too easily offended is foolish. We cannot all think the same: what a boring old world it would be:D. I for one will look forward to hearing more from you on this subject.

Alright, you convinced me.. ;) I'll start a new thread for it though, this one is going off topic rather quickly.. I'll post after I am done work which is at 11pm (Atlantic Time).. :)

You really can't go through life worrying about such things. Google is huge powerful indeed but more than Microsoft? Either way I find Google's browser even more compatible than Firefox. Heck, I can't stand Apple but I use an iPhone because it's a sweet phone!

chrome just need to support extensions (GOOD and useful ones) and i am in. loads pages 3x faster than my FF, tbh.

oh, btw, 7210, works flawlessly (chrome 1)

Hey Folks....i m a new to W7 been with it for just over a week and so far loving every second...and the wealth of knowledge on these forums is amazing!!!

Just a quick question...any one noticed that FF is considerably slower in W7 or is it just my imagination? I know I m using the 3.5 so I expect a certain level of trial and error kinda situation...but just trying to enlighten my self....

Also...why is it that when chrome is running it has 3-4 .exe files showing on the task manager while FF for instance only shows one...

I m running Chrome 3.0 BTW and i find it lighter (possibly) and faster than FF...just FYI..

Many thanks
