Windows 7 help me pls~

Kyle Wong

New Member
Apr 16, 2013
Hey guys~ i laptop keep on pop out two very annoying~ and i cant even install any software
i try google search for it, but my english was bad...i cant understand what they said...
can anyone help me? pls~:frown: :frown: :(
this is the two error i print screen it
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It seems to be saying it cannot find a file, which appears to be an install file, on your desktop.

Are you trying to install some program, and if so. what process are you using for downloading and starting the install?

Both the GarenaPlus and mpr.dll may be difficult issues, even relating to viruses and stuff, especially the latter one. Depending on what security programs you have, they may block these - which is a sound factor. I run Avast Internet Security, and I'm always happy when it goes *bing* and reports it has stopped something. Just like I'm happy when my German Shepard barks on the yard, reporting he put off some bastards...

I would recommend you to try and test those programs thoroughly, with the security program you have, and one or more online scanners.

Try this, go to start, in that search field type in msconfig when this new window pops up, go to the Startup tab and look for the GaneraPlus file and uncheck it. Also here you can uncheck a bunch of different apps from auto starting on boot up. Will help with load time. Just don't disable wireless or anti-virus apps. After that, hit apply and ok and save your work and restart the machine. Please let us know if that helps.


Run Malwarebytes to make sure you computer is Malware free.
Malwarebytes : Free anti-malware download

If you have a Garena install file on your desktop delete it and download a new one from here.

Garena - The Official Site

Start the install process by either telling it to install when the window comes up after the download, or by right clicking on the .exe file where you saved it and saying run.

As for the .dll file what program are you trying to start?

Try removing it and reinstalling it again.

