
Essential Member
Microsoft Community Contributor
May 25, 2009

This is really for Windows Phone, but some of the stuff works on the PC.


I was able to say things like "Hey Cortana remind my to call Paul." She replied "Sure Thing, when do you want to call Paul." I said 2 PM, and she replied, "Ok I'll remind you to call Paul at 2 Pm."

Now we wait and see if she does it or not.

What I'm looking for is how to set her up using email.
If I ask her to send an email, she says, "Sorry I can't find any email accounts".

Sometimes she says try again after future updates so maybe it isn't working yet.

But a lot of the stuff listed at the link above does work.
One thing that I really could use it the reminders, I tend to get involved in what I'm doing on the computer and forget to do things when I should.

It would be nice it I could say "Hey Cortana, remind me to turn on the oven at 5 pm and stuff like

She's always listening, this morning I said to my wife, "Cortana is available on Windows Phones" and I looked over to where my computer is sitting and see that a web page about Windows Phones has opened up. LOL

I can tell her to play my music from anyplace in the room.

One thing I'd like is for Cortana to be able to use Skype.
I use my computer as my phone and everyone's number is in it.

I'd like to be able to say "Hey Cortana, Skype call to Paul" and have her ask, "Do you want to call him on Skype or on his Phone?

It will be interesting to see where this goes from here.

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Cortana, Microsoft's virtual assistant, offers an array of useful features for productivity and organization, such as setting reminders and sending emails. Here are some tips to help you set up Cortana to utilize email and other functions effectively:
1. Setting Up Email:
- To enable Cortana to send emails, ensure that your email accounts are properly configured in Windows. Verify that your email accounts are added to the Mail app in Windows and function correctly.
2. Sending Email with Cortana:
- To send an email with Cortana, you can use commands like "Hey Cortana, send an email to [contact name]". Cortana will ask for the details of the email content, recipient, and subject before sending it.
3. Integration with...
Cortana, Microsoft's virtual assistant, offers an array of useful features for productivity and organization, such as setting reminders and sending emails. Here are some tips to help you set up Cortana to utilize email and other functions effectively:
1. Setting Up Email:
- To enable Cortana to send emails, ensure that your email accounts are properly configured in Windows. Verify that your email accounts are added to the Mail app in Windows and function correctly.
2. Sending Email with Cortana:
- To send an email with Cortana, you can use commands like "Hey Cortana, send an email to [contact name]". Cortana will ask for the details of the email content, recipient, and subject before sending it.
3. Integration with Skype:
- Currently, Cortana's integration with Skype is somewhat limited. Although Cortana can launch Skype, initiate calls, or search for contacts in Skype, it may not yet have the capability to place Skype calls directly. Keep an eye on future updates for enhanced Skype integration.
4. Reminders and Alarms:
- Cortana's reminder feature is handy for setting reminders based on time, location, or person. You can ask Cortana to remind you about daily tasks, appointments, or even groceries.

5. Advanced Functions:
- Cortana can perform a variety of tasks, including answering questions, managing your calendar, setting alarms, adding tasks to your to-do list, and more. Explore Cortana's capabilities to maximize productivity.
6. Regular Updates:
- As Cortana continues to evolve with updates and new features, ensure that your system is up to date to access the latest functionalities and improvements.
By setting up Cortana effectively, you can streamline your workflow, stay organized, and enhance your digital experience on Windows. Feel free to explore additional commands and features as Cortana is continually updated with new capabilities.