Windows 7 high DPCs with POWER service running


Extraordinary Member
I have high DPCs when the POWER service is running. If I turn it off, the DPCs go back to normal.
Why? What is this trying to run that is causing this?
OK, U can't tell. How can I troubleshoot this now that I know the culprit???????????

Then again, someone must have found and fixed this already.

W7 ult x64
Not familiar with this rare occurrence, but maybe this will help??
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that in fact is the only program I am aware of to monitor DPCs. Been using it for a while, but when I went there I noticed it had been updated. thx
FYI - I figured it out.

If I shut off the POWER service high DPCs are eliminated. However, not having it on is not an option.
I need it otherwise it won't go to sleep - so what causes the high DPCs.

APPARENTLY, when it is active it is constantly checking status - that seems to be THE thing that slows any windows system down.
SO, I went back and set the power option to HIGH PERFORMANCE - from BALANCED -- 20 min later I have had NO high DPCs.

the end.................