I am running Windows 7 home. I use Diskeeper 2010 and it works great. My question is , how can I find out if the OP defrag is still working. And if so can I turn it off or dose it even mater? thanks - funnnyfarm
I cheat! >
I'm just Old School enough to want to see what's going on during a defrag.
So, I have XP on one hard drive and Win-7 on another and I can use the defrag in XP to defrag my Win-7 HD. The defrag can be even better when there are NO files open on the drive being Defragmented.
Oh well, that's just one Old Timer's solution to the problem of Defragging W-7.
I like evaluating new programs, but one program that nearly destroyed my PC was the "Defraggler". Some folks have reported that it worked OK for them, but NOT FOR ME!
So that program is on my "Never, Ever, Ever, Ever again" list.
I started using Diskeeper on XP you can do the same as the OP Defrag , and have more settings . But the best part it defags in the background all the time. funnnyfarm