Windows 10 How to get rid of the little pop-up window while dragging in File Explorer

Jaap Verhage

Senior Member
Jul 1, 2016
Hello everyone,

I'm sure this is laughably simple to fix, but I just can't find it anywhere. When I drag a file or folder in Windows 10 File Explorer, a little pop-up window appears as soon as the mouse pointer hovers over a folder. The mini-window contains the name of the folder. All the little window does for me, is obscure what I see. Is there a way to get rid of it? I don't remember seeing this in Windows 7.

Thanks for your time and trouble.

Regards, Jaap.

Jaap Verhage … really, it would have been advantageous creating screen-cap so we could see what you are referring to.

open file-explorer … "menu" … "file" … "change-folder-options" … "view" … "advanced-settings" … disable "show pop-up description for folder and desktop items".

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