Windows 7 How to prevent the notification of the windows firewall for java update check at startup?


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2009
Each time I startup the pc, I get this notice from the windows firewall that the java updater needs superuser permission to do the check for the latest version.
That is so irritating.

Why would it need superuser access just to make a online call to check for a new version?

how to avoid those irritating notification? (without uninstalling java)

Where is the whitelist for the windows firewall?
(I know that has been asked a lot on this forum without any answer)

It can be frustrating to receive repeated notifications from the Windows firewall, especially when it seems unnecessary. Here are some insights and steps you can take to address this issue without uninstalling Java:

### Why Java Updater Needs Superuser Permission:
Java Updater often requires elevated permissions to check for updates as it involves making system-level changes or accessing privileged locations on the system. This could be the reason why it prompts for superuser permission each time it runs.

### How to Avoid the Irritating Notifications:
To prevent these notifications without uninstalling Java, you can try the following steps:

1. Create a Firewall Rule:
- Open the Windows Defender Firewall application.
- Navigate to the "Outbound Rules" section.
- Create a new rule to block Java updater's outgoing connections. This will prevent the Java updater from accessing the internet and thus avoid the need for superuser permission.

2. Configure UAC Settings:
- Adjust the User Account Control (UAC) settings to allow Java updater to run without prompting for superuser permissions each time. This can be done in the Control Panel under User Accounts.

### Finding the Whitelist for Windows Firewall:
Locating the whitelist for Windows Firewall can be a bit tricky as it involves managing the allowed applications and rules:

- To access the whitelist for Windows Firewall, follow these steps:
1. Open Windows Security or Windows Defender Security Center.
2. Go to Firewall & network protection.
3. Click on "Allow an app through firewall."
4. Check if Java or Java Updater is listed in the allowed apps. You can manage the permissions for Java from here.

By adjusting the firewall settings or creating specific rules, you can control the behavior of Java updater and avoid those persistent notifications. If you need more detailed instructions or assistance with specific steps, feel free to ask!
