* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *
Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.
BugCheck 1A, {41284, fffff8a00d5c5001, d351, fffff781c0000000}
Probably caused by : ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+4ad3 )
Followup: MachineOwner
almost all of the dump files sent were like the above. A couple were Bugcheck 24 which could mean NTFS errors and another was a Bugcheck 3B which could be anything from bad RAM to corrupt data.
You may have a RAM issue and you'll have to perform some testing to see if this is so.
AppleCharger.sys Thu Oct 25 01:51:02 2012: GIGABYTE On/Off Charge driver. May cause BSOD on Win7/8 systems - uninstall to test
Dnetr28x.sys Tue Apr 19 04:31:37 2011: D-Link DWA-525 Wireless N 150 Desktop Adapter please update:
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gdrv.sys Fri Mar 13 03:22:29 2009: Gigabyte Easy Saver - mobo power utility driver please update:
GVTDrv64.sys Tue Sep 05 08:10:02 2006: Gigabyte Easy Tune 6 driver (known BSOD issues w/Win7)-uninstall to test.
nvlddmkm.sys Sat Jan 08 02:07:22 2011: Nvidia gpu driver. Please update:
Please run the Intel driver update utility:
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If you still bsod after making the above changes run a chkdsk:
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Run a system file scan. Find command prompt in the start menu, right click on it and run as admin. Type:
sfc /scannow
Press enter and await results.
Download the latest version of Memtest86 here:
You can use this app to test your RAM. You'll need to burn to a disk or USB drive and then boot from it. This is so the RAM can be tested outside of the windows operating system. Try to run for at least 12hours unless errors appear straight away and it's obvious there is something wrong with the RAM (the errors will show up in red).
Please post any new dump files.