Windows 7 How to troubleshoot Windows Update problems?


New Member
Dec 23, 2009
On a Windows 7 Ultimate system, doing a Windows Update says it encountered an unknown error (8007273d). It doesn't take long to get that error.

I've tried various things based on doing a web search on the error code, including uninstalling visual studio, resetting internet explorer settings and delete the softwaredistribution cache. I've even tried reinstalling Windows 7 on top of this installation (keeping the same settings)

Short of reinstalling Windows 7 with net profiles and settings, is there anything I can do?

It bugs me that the software simply won't indicate what it's trying to do and where it's failing. What call is being made by Windows Update that's failing? If I knew that, it would give me a clue as to what's going on.

Is there a way to turn on debug-settings or something for Windows Update?
I don't mean to blow you off, buyt.........

I would try Microsoft;s first

I performed Google search because many have had problems with this
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