Windows 7 Icons still on desktop despite using desktop toolbar


Extraordinary Member
May 14, 2009
In Vista, I liked using the desktop toolbar because it keeps the desktop uncluttered - no icons on the desktop. However, I have noticed that in Win 7 RC that the icons are still on my desktop even when activating the desktop toolbar. (Right click Taskbar, go up the drop "up" list to "Toolbars", click on "Desktop"). Other folks seeing this and is there a workaround? TIA - Jim

I have noticed that in Win 7 RC that the icons are still on my desktop even when activating the desktop toolbar.

To remove any of the system icons from the desktop, rightclick the DT and click personalise and on the top left of that window is a button change desktop icons and from here you can select which icons you want displayed.

Also, if I put all the icons into a folder on the desktop, I assume (I am not at my Win7 machine right now) that only the folder will appear on my desktop list, which again would defeat the purpose somewhat.

You can hide this folder any where you want, maybe your my docs folder. Then rightclick the taskbar and highlight toolbar and then click new toobar. Then direct...
I'm on XP right know but this should get you close. Right click your desktop, under arrange icons by, remove the check mark by display desktop icons. Your drop down may be different but you should still be able to find it in there somewhere.

They have to be there, otherwise they wouldn't show up.

It's imply listing all the icons, files and folder on your desktop.

You could create a new folder on your desktop, name it Shortcuts, then drag all your shortcuts into that folder.

They have to be there, otherwise they wouldn't show up.

It's imply listing all the icons, files and folder on your desktop.

You could create a new folder on your desktop, name it Shortcuts, then drag all your shortcuts into that folder.
What I was getting at is it appears the toolbar works differently in Win7 than it does in Vista. I don't recall having to do anything on my Vista desktop to make the icons disappear - I simply started using the desktop toolbar and wha-la, the icons were in the list and off the desktop. In Win7, unless I am missing something, they are all still there so the reason for using the toolbar is less obvious.

Also, if I put all the icons into a folder on the desktop, I assume (I am not at my Win7 machine right now) that only the folder will appear on my desktop list, which again would defeat the purpose somewhat.

They have to be there, otherwise they wouldn't show up.

It's imply listing all the icons, files and folder on your desktop.

You could create a new folder on your desktop, name it Shortcuts, then drag all your shortcuts into that folder.

The desktop and desktop toolbar are two different things. They don't have to be "displayed" on your desktop if you don't want them too. I have no icons on my XP or windows 7 desktop, like the OP I enable the desktop "toolbar" so they are on the taskbar. I put the My Computer toolbar there too. By default I think XP hides all but the recycle bin. Don't know about Vista I've never used it. I don't remember what ones windows 7 displays, one of the first things I do is right click and hide them all. :)

Yes, it is different in Windows 7, they call it the Super bar.

You can add the old Quick Launch bar which you are talking about by right-clicking on the Toolbar, chose New Toolbar and navigate to the C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer and select the folder Quick launch

I have noticed that in Win 7 RC that the icons are still on my desktop even when activating the desktop toolbar.

To remove any of the system icons from the desktop, rightclick the DT and click personalise and on the top left of that window is a button change desktop icons and from here you can select which icons you want displayed.

Also, if I put all the icons into a folder on the desktop, I assume (I am not at my Win7 machine right now) that only the folder will appear on my desktop list, which again would defeat the purpose somewhat.

You can hide this folder any where you want, maybe your my docs folder. Then rightclick the taskbar and highlight toolbar and then click new toobar. Then direct it to where ever you have placed the folder. You should end up with no icons and your toolbar on the taskbar.

Yes, it is different in Windows 7, they call it the Super bar.

You can add the old Quick Launch bar which you are talking about by right-clicking on the Toolbar, chose New Toolbar and navigate to the C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer and select the folder Quick launch

Acually I don't use the quick launch bar. I just right click the taskbar, select toolbars, and put a check mark next to Desktop. Then I right click my desktop, select view and remove the checkmark next to disply desktop icons. I'm not trying to be rude or flame you so please don't think that, it just seems easier than what you posted. I do it that way because the desktop toolbar already has most ofthe icons I want. It works well on XP but I may find I don't need it on win 7. I might be better off just pinning the icons to the super bar. I'm learning things as I go and may have to change my old habbits some.:)

No offense,

but I still love the old Quick launch as you can put all your frequently used programs right there and have one-click access to the, thus eliminating all desktop shortcuts.

Yep, it was easy once I did what you said - the part I missed was right clicking on the desktop and removing the checkmark next to "display desktop icons". They are still available in the desktop toolbar list. Thanks to all who commented. - Jim

No offense,

but I still love the old Quick launch as you can put all your frequently used programs right there and have one-click access to the, thus eliminating all desktop shortcuts.

As one of my buddies used to say, same thing but different. :) You can drag shortcuts to the desktop toolbar just like you can to the quick launch toolbar. Only difference is some of them aren't shortcuts. If you right click the My Computer Icon you get custom options like Manage which opens the Management console. Properties takes you to system properties. Network Neighborhood and Internet Explorer give you custom options too that you don't get with shortcuts. They end up with a dual or triple purpose.

No offense,

but I still love the old Quick launch as you can put all your frequently used programs right there and have one-click access to the, thus eliminating all desktop shortcuts.

It was one less click wasnt it. It hasnt always been the case, but I like the new taskbar better.
