Brad Elias

New Member
Jan 14, 2009
Frankly, I don't understand all the glowing praises for Windows 7 Beta. I don't understand also all this hatred for Windows Vista. Under Windows 7, almost all of my current applications DO NOT work! Three of my devices DO NOT work! I am a professional video editor and my Magix Movie Edit 14 does not work under this OS and for that alone I am not about to give up Vista! Secondly checkout Windows Media Player in Win 7. Everything is a guessing game. I tried to rip a CD and nowhere is there a progress bar to let me know the work is being done. In Vista, you see the progress bar in WMP. In Vista, my HP enhanced keyboard did all the work for me, eject a CD, increase volume, access email, etc. In Win 7, it doesn't even recognize my keyboard.

Considering all, why would I switch to another OS when, in my current OS--Vista SP1, everything works? Under the current dismal economy and grim unemployment, why would I buy a new car (and spend money I don't have) when my current one works and does the job?

Hi Brad
Using Professional Audio / Visual editng stuff on a Beta OS is not likely to work - these are usually the LAST applications to get converted so I think your compaint was largely unjustified - if most of your apps don't work on W7 then you are probably running some highly specialized stuff which I wouldn't expect to work on a Beta.

If I'm going to a Professional gig and I need a computer you can be 100% certain I'm not going to take a laptop with a Beta OS to the GIG.

VISTA intially and on the hardware it was loaded on (pre SP1) was a TOTAL DOG for most users -- OK with some time you could optimize it but users don't generally work like that --they just want to switch on the computer and it goes.

VISTA also as has been...
1st of this is a beta os. no one is expecting you to switch over.
2nd of all when vista came out as i remember NO/barley any programs wer compatible and the fact that it is slow for low end users it will always be hated
3rd sounds to me like you didnt use this for more then 25 minutes. ive been using this 2-3 weeks now. i still find new things every day. go look around some more.

I have to agree with you on most of this Brad Elias... I really have nothing against Vista at all, all my hardware runs very well on it, all my apps work great, and it really customizes well to each user.. :) As for why so much praise for Windows 7 Beta?... well I don't really know.. I praise it because I like it's features, it runs everything I need it to at this point (and runs it well ;) )... and I like how it seems more "touched up" I guess would be the only way I can think of to say it.. ... overall just cleaner than Vista... I donno, looks impact an OS for me more than they should maybe but it doesn't mean I'll stop using Vista.. I currently have Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 Beta on my main PC and I use all 3 pretty much equally.. I'll certainly be buying a copy of Windows 7 when it is released but it's not to "replace" Vista.. I for one think your right when you say that Vista SP1 is a good OS.. ;) Vista and Win 7 are just equally as good in different ways in my opinion.... :)

Vista is junk.
Whether you like it or not, you must see that it's full of bloat.
It runs much less efficiently than Windows 7 Beta or XP.
It's over priced.
It's slow.
What's there to like?

Basically, Windows Vista is like cocaine without the addictiveness. It gets you effed up, makes you run like crap, is expensive, and it should go up a body orifice.

Hi Brad
I agree with you about Vista. I can best reiterate Radenight's observations.
When the very first two "builds" were leaked. I posted several disparaging and critical items on another dedicated 7 site. My main complaint was that I really felt the praise was so high, that those concerned were on something. - lol It was really out of proportion to the quality of 7.
Unfortunately it got to a point ( I was just a little over the top, I guess!) where the Admin threatened to throw me off the forum.
I like 7, but am still of the opinion that it is totally overhyped. I have not experienced any of your problems, but am mainly referring to its performance and any so called extras, which were not present in Vista.
Perhaps you could pop over to another thread and read the comments there.
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Kyle i disagree and radenight i agree. I have never had an incompatibility issue with VISTA.

I dont see any bloat in it at all. i have it running on a celeron d processor and all is well.

I haven't had Vista that long and didn't like it to start with. I was highly annoyed by all of the things turned on by default and they way the settings were renamed and moved all around. I got a HP 64 bit with 8 gigs of ram. I haven't had many problems with Windows 7 it is a beta program and I didn't expect perfection. Roxio 2009 doesn't run from the console and Comodo firewall doesn't work. But I have a couple of programs will start in Windows 7 that won't in Vista without using the task scheduler. I'm still finding new things I just installed on my actual pc last week I partitioned and dual booted. Before that I tried it on VMware Workstation and the video sucked there. Overall I think Windows 7 is what Vista should have been.

As of today, right now, Vista SP1 is by far the superior OS over Windows 7 Beta. By a long way. Providing you have the hardware needed to run it (not some 4 year old Pentium with 1gig DDR ram), everything works. You can do a fresh install of it and expect all of your hardware drivers to work right away and all of your software to function correctly, without having to visit places like this for help and fixes. You cannot tell me Kyle that a piece of Beta software that has very little support for it because it is a beta, is a better choice than Vista that is already in the beta stage of its second service pack, and has full support from all the program manufacturers.
Windows 7 is nice, very nice but its not there yet, otherwise it woldnt be a beta, it would just be the OS and M$ wouldve already released it. There are still so many flaws with this beta(which is completely understandable) that the majority of people who try it get so fed up, because most of what they read is praise from people like Kyle. Im sorry Kyle but I completely dissagree with you.

Vista is junk.
Whether you like it or not, you must see that it's full of bloat.
It runs much less efficiently than Windows 7 Beta or XP.
It's over priced.
It's slow.
What's there to like?

Basically, Windows Vista is like cocaine without the addictiveness. It gets you effed up, makes you run like crap, is expensive, and it should go up a body orifice.

Blah..blah.. blah.. blah.. blah..........

You think so?
You think Vista's so slim and nice?
We'll see.
I'm doing a little test. Just to see, say, how much Hard Drive Space and RAM XP SP3, Vista SP1, and Windows 7 Beta take up as a clean install. Also with some non program assisted optimization. We'll see who comes out on top.... and who comes out on bottom.

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Will be updated as I get around to it.

Oh, and one more "Blah Blah Blah" type post, and we're going to have a problem here.
This is a forum, not a spambox.

Hi Brad
Using Professional Audio / Visual editng stuff on a Beta OS is not likely to work - these are usually the LAST applications to get converted so I think your compaint was largely unjustified - if most of your apps don't work on W7 then you are probably running some highly specialized stuff which I wouldn't expect to work on a Beta.

If I'm going to a Professional gig and I need a computer you can be 100% certain I'm not going to take a laptop with a Beta OS to the GIG.

VISTA intially and on the hardware it was loaded on (pre SP1) was a TOTAL DOG for most users -- OK with some time you could optimize it but users don't generally work like that --they just want to switch on the computer and it goes.

VISTA also as has been posted elsewhere got a bad press from day 1 -- Microsoft seemed to be "foisting" this on to basic consumers whether they wanted / needed it and to add insult to injury bought computers never came with a proper install disk and were generally so loaded with Bloatware that even JC himself wouldn't have been able to fix a lot of machines.

SP1 is better (and so is the hardware of course) -- The lack of a proper install disk still rankles and you still have to tweak SP1 to get reasonable performance.

For most of the apps people have been using W7 for in Beta it works far snappier (and actually on less hardware).

Added to which you've got a proper install disk (two if you want both X64 and X32) and if you tweak it like VISTA was tweaked then there is no competion. W7 wins hands down.

If it doesn't suit your applications - fine but I'm not surprised that W7 is enjoying relatively good feedback -- most people's initial introduction to VISTA was not a very pleasant experience - even if you can make the current version perform at supersonic speed.

Once a product is tainted -- it's almost impossible for it to recover - so hence W7.

My main gripe - but this has always been a problem with Microsoft software is why is it always so complicated to get a simple HOME LAN to work properly. There always seems to be 1 computer in the mix that wont talk to the rest of the network.:D:D


Vista is junk.
Whether you like it or not, you must see that it's full of bloat.
It runs much less efficiently than Windows 7 Beta or XP.
It's over priced.
It's slow.
What's there to like?

Basically, Windows Vista is like cocaine without the addictiveness. It gets you effed up, makes you run like crap, is expensive, and it should go up a body orifice.

Just curious... your comparing an Operating System to cocaine.. hmmm. ok.. so have you done blow? Cause it's certainly not addictive.. it's the person doing the blow that chooses whether or not it becomes addictive... ;) Not to mention the price of it alone is enough to make a person NOT become "addicted" to it.. :) Anyways, I'm not trying to engage in a huge argument here, considering you said yourself in a previous post that you were sick of people complaining about how bad Vista is.. and so on.. I'm simply saying that I will continue to use Vista alongside of Win 7 when it's in final form as I'm sure many others will as well...

As far as which is better between 7 and Vista.. yes I agree with you, Windows 7 IS better in direct comparison.. it runs better, has some improved functionality, and all around kicks the sh!t out of Vista... but then again, SHOULDN'T it be better than the previous version?.. however, that doesn't mean that Vista needs to be dumped and forgotten.. it is still useful in it's own ways.. Especially for those people who refuse to update their hardware any further.. ;)

Windows Vista is a decent operating system that should be targeted for deployment on higher end hardware. Windows 7 has more potential than Vista because it uses system resources more efficiently and has a smaller memory trail. I'm not sure the drug references are convincing, but I'd prefer Windows Vista on my laptop over XP any day of the week. XP requires too much maintenance and constant patching - it is vulnerable to security problems and it is going the way of Windows 2000. This is a good analogy because I could very easily install Windows 2000 which will run very fast, but it can't support newer hardware, it has thousands of kernel level problems that were corrected in the XP and Vista kernels, and it isn't optimized for multi-core processors. Why take the risk of XP? I prefer Vista.

It seems to me that many of the people that are having problems are using 32 bit systems designed for XP and may have replaced hardware like motherboards, video and sound cards. Or they are using older software designed for XP and older systems. My system is quadcore 64 bit with 8 gigs of ram and is about 3 months old. I find some third party software not working because it has not been updated for this Beta program. Peope need to remeber this is testing software not the final product.

Ill apologize for the blah blah blah..But wont for the intended message behind it.. Vista sucks...Same old song and bitching dance we've all heard for so long now. Now we go a step further and compare it to drugs, come on dude, ill man up and say im sorry for the less than steller replies, but its time for you to step out of the mud slinging box.

i mean seriously, it's time people see spam as constant bitching also, its the same old BS over and over again, let it go....

Ill apologize for the blah blah blah..But wont for the intended message behind it.. Vista sucks...Same old song and bitching dance we've all heard for so long now. Now we go a step further and compare it to drugs, come on dude, ill man up and say im sorry for the less than steller replies, but its time for you to step out of the mud slinging box.

i mean seriously, it's time people see spam as constant bitching also, its the same old BS over and over again, let it go....

Fair comment.

Also I realise Vista uses around 500megs more of ram but so what. If you have 4 gigs in your system memory(some of us are lucky enough to have more) it doesnt really make a difference. The thing is we all remember how bad Vista was when it first come out, so was XP. What Im saying is Vista hasnt just come out and most of its problems have been seen to and the thing works. Yet people are still unhappy with it. I would be interested to know if you are willing to turn your back on 7 7 so fast if and when it runs into problems.

my hatred for vista is limitless i think i used it for about a week, my personal feelings from installing windows 7 til now is that 7 is the evolution of xp pro, faster streamlined and seamless, i almost dumped my girlfriend for 7 but then i realized she pays half my rent. xD

Perhaps, datagg, you could offer a more informative post to this thread, and let those who have a more favourable view towards Vista, know in which area your grievances lie. (Compared to 7 perhaps?) Blah blah blah does not convey a lot of info.

my hatred for vista is limitless i think i used it for about a week, my personal feelings from installing windows 7 til now is that 7 is the evolution of xp pro, faster streamlined and seamless, i almost dumped my girlfriend for 7 but then i realized she pays half my rent. xD

:D once you learn how to turn of UAC in Vista its not that bad!

So who will be going back to Vista and who will be going back to XP when the beta expires?
Vista without a doubt for me
