
New Member
May 28, 2024
Hi everyone,

I recently made the switch from Windows to Ubuntu and I'm running into some problems with my graphics drivers. I have a high-end gaming setup, including a curved monitor that has been working perfectly on Windows. However, on Ubuntu, I'm experiencing several issues:

Screen Tearing: There's noticeable screen tearing when I play games or watch videos.
Resolution Problems: Sometimes, the resolution isn't detected correctly and the display doesn't fit the screen properly.
Performance Issues: Games that ran smoothly on Windows now lag or have frame rate drops.
Driver Installation: I've tried installing the proprietary drivers, but I’m not sure if they are configured correctly.
Here's my setup:

GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
Ubuntu Version: 22.04 LTS
Driver Version: NVIDIA 510.47.03
I’ve followed some tutorials online, but I still can't get things to work properly. I would really appreciate any help or suggestions on how to resolve these issues. Specifically, I’m looking for advice on:

The best drivers to use for gaming on Ubuntu.
How to properly configure the drivers and settings for a curved monitor.
Any specific tweaks or tools that could help improve gaming performance on Ubuntu.

Thanks in advance for your help!
The Nvidia driver is going to be preferred. Did you manually install it or did you use something like 'ubunutu-drivers' to install? If a manual install you need to disable the nouveau drivers. There shouldn't really be any configuration needed.
The Nvidia driver is going to be preferred. Did you manually install it or did you use something like 'ubunutu-drivers' to install? If a manual install you need to disable the nouveau drivers. There shouldn't really be any configuration needed.