Windows 7 Just discovered today I don't have Administrator even as User


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2010
My New Laptop doesn't have two users only one..and that user is me.. I don't have administrative rights so therefore I can't create an do simple tasks such as delete a program,, or open up msconfig.. These functions need administrative rights..

How do I get these????

My friend suggests I may have a corrupt registry..

any ideas????

My humble comment:

and it reports back access denied ..

This happens because you don't run the cmd as an admin. If you can't start it as admin, boot from 7 DVD -> Repair -> Recovery options -> Command Prompt -> type:

net user administrator /active:yes

These types of "friends" always mean well but....

Log into safe mode and edit your main account to be an admin one.

You may also want to try this as well and see if it helps at all.
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Sounds easy but what happens is - Safemode // ( one user , me ,) then when I go into control panel to create new user ( administrative).. NO matter what name I type in to create administrative it says it does not recognise name as I am not allowed to use these charactors -
\|/<>*&^% ..... etc .. but I am only typing in letters or numbers and I still get this error message in creating a name .........

Don't make a new account. Do as I've said and see how it goes, instead.

Or follow Trouble's advice, although you should disable the Admin account when you are done what is needed.

edit again and again .. ( this web site is not very friendly says I have to wait 30 seconds between posts even If I wait two minutes ) ....

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Don't make a new account. Do as I've said and see how it goes, instead.

Or follow Trouble's advice, although you should disable the Admin account when you are done what is needed.

I tried it again..
into the command mode I don't get C:net user administrator /active:yes

I get C:\users\name\net user administrator /active:yes

and it reports back access denied ..

My humble comment:

and it reports back access denied ..

This happens because you don't run the cmd as an admin. If you can't start it as admin, boot from 7 DVD -> Repair -> Recovery options -> Command Prompt -> type:

net user administrator /active:yes

My humble comment:

This happens because you don't run the cmd as an admin. If you can't start it as admin, boot from 7 DVD -> Repair -> Recovery options -> Command Prompt -> type:

net user administrator /active:yes
OK I did exactly this scenario and in windows repair (aftefr a five disc backup) I was able to perform that request (active:yes) and it reported it was successful..|
Then I restart back to my login (one only still) and ran the same test only with accessories/command prompt-right click/run as administrator but it failed again..\sample images attached..
I'm still stuck with no administrator....


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So I phoned HP support today and after explaining this scenario Looks like I have to reset the PC back to factory default or to be more precise FORMAT .. I backed up onto 5 dvd all my loaded programs and files so hopefully I won't have to spend 24 hours getting the PC back to the way it was for me... I still love my XP ...
