Windows 7 Kaspersky Internet security 2010 fully compatible


New Member
Jul 1, 2009
Kaspersky's next big release is Kaspersky Internet security 2010 which comes with new and improved components.
Anybody tried it on Windows 7?
I am running it smoothly on Windows 7 build 7317.
Price is 59.95$/yr but you can taste trial version for free Link Removed due to 404 Error



Kaspersky 2010 is indeed fully compatible with Windows 7 all versions, both x86 and x64. I've been running Kaspersky Internet Security since ... well, a while now and have not encountered any issues whatsoever.

Keep in mind that there are two versions each of 2010 Kaspersky Anti-Virus (KAV) and Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS):
-- the initial release of Kaspersky 2010 (anti-virus and internet security) was <-- not fully Win7 compatible
-- upon Microsoft's official release of Windows 7, Kaspersky released version <-- fully Win7 compatible

You may download the updated and fully Win7 compatible release here:
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---> Link Removed due to 404 Error...
I tried this out yesterday with 7264 and it told me it had a problem running with Comodo at the same time. On top of that, my licensed copy of Kaspersky 2009 had some problem with a driver. I hope I can sort this.

I too will use a 30 day trial on my Win 7 32Bit and then move to Avast as it free!

@ loathe, You cannot run two security programs at once (atleast with kaspersky products)
Also, I heard that latest build 7264 doesnt accepts older keys, is it so?

I don't know how reliable this info is, but.........

According to Kewsnews, it does not specify it's Windows 7 compatable.

* Protects instant messengers (ICQ, MSN)
* Provides proactive protection from unknown threats
* Scans Java and Visual Basic scripts
* Two-way personal firewall
* Safe Wi-Fi and VPN connections
* Intrusion prevention system
* Special Game Mode to suspend alerts, updates and scans
* Security Application Monitor to give full picture on programs
* Identity Information Controller to give valuable data an extra layer of protection
* Advanced identity theft protection, including improved secure Virtual Keyboard
* Urgent Detection System to stop fast emerging threats
* Intelligent application management and control
* Automatically configured application rules
* Support Microsoft Windows XP and Vista operating system

It's not listed on, nor, who usually are on top of the latest downloads.

@ loathe, You cannot run two security programs at once (atleast with kaspersky products)
Also, I heard that latest build 7264 doesnt accepts older keys, is it so?

Rubbish. I have had both installed since the start of Vista, using Comodo for the firewall and Kaspersky as the antivirus. I have not got as far as trying my key for it yet.

According to Kewsnews, it does not specify it's Windows 7 compatable.

It has worked flawlessly on all builds until now. To date, I have not found a build other than 7100 that I will run as my main OS. I suspect this is a build problem and not a Kaspersky problem.

Here is a screen of the error message

Link Removed due to 404 Error

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I got KAV 2010 installed along with Comodo 3.10. Havent tried the full KIS suite though. I dont think its recommended by either Kaspersky or Comodo and Im still testing, but heres what I did.

1 - Install Comodo
2 - Run the KAV 2010 setup. It will extract the setup.exe and kav.en.msi into C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Setup Files... Cancel the install wizzard when you get to the compatibility problem screen.
3 - Copy the setup.exe and the kav.en.msi files to C:\
4 - Open a CMD promt and enter the following: C:\setup.exe /pSKIPPRODUCTCHECK=1

I have only the firewall installed from Comodo and only the antivirus from Kaspersky. Hopefully there is no issue between the two this way, as Ive had them running together for ages with no trouble before.


On second reboot Kaspersky came up with an error saying it failed to start. Looks like its not working so dont try this yet. Im still looking to get both working.

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I have Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 running perfectly on my copy of Windows 7 (Build 7100)

No errors from it yet, and starts fine on every boot up

Kspersky Internet Security is da best one ever :cool: but the activation make it baad
now i used ESet Smart Security Nod32 on my Windows 7 32-bit it"s nice :o

ESet Smart Security Nod32 on my Windows 7 32-bit it"s nice
Don't let the license lapse or it will cripple part of the OS.
Trust me, it does. And I do not approve of that, therefore I do not recommend ESET any longer.

I do not care who it is, where they come from or what the software is capable of doing. If the I let the license lapse, that should not give that company/software the right or ability to cripple the OS. The software itself should stop working... period.

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Kaspersky 2010 is indeed fully compatible with Windows 7 all versions, both x86 and x64. I've been running Kaspersky Internet Security since ... well, a while now and have not encountered any issues whatsoever.

Keep in mind that there are two versions each of 2010 Kaspersky Anti-Virus (KAV) and Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS):
-- the initial release of Kaspersky 2010 (anti-virus and internet security) was <-- not fully Win7 compatible
-- upon Microsoft's official release of Windows 7, Kaspersky released version <-- fully Win7 compatible

You may download the updated and fully Win7 compatible release here:
---> Link Removed due to 404 Error
---> Link Removed due to 404 Error

Before installing either of the versions listed above, you should fully uninstall any earlier releases in order to make certain the newest releases of KIS 2010 or KAV 2010 are properly integrated into Windows 7.
- download: Kaspersky 2009/2010 all product removal tool

Also worth mentioning - it's generally a bad idea to run two concurrent versions of anti-virus software. What happens very often is one negates the other and causes various unwanted stability and other issues.

Hope this helps!

I was one of the lucky ones that got a freebie licence for 2010 edition last month in the giveaway, to be honest after a week I had to remove it cos often froze the pc, so waiting a few more months before put it back on my rig to give them time to work out some of the bugs it still has.

Next time I install it I think I'll skip the Kasperski firewall part, found it way too confusing compared to Win7's firewall...I've never really liked automatic rule making firewalls, I prefer to have full control over what goes on.

Next time I install it I think I'll skip the Kasperski firewall part, found it way too confusing compared to Win7's firewall...I've never really liked automatic rule making firewalls, I prefer to have full control over what goes on.

You're right, the new firewall automatic rule-making in Kaspersky was an unwelcome change in this version.

But that is very easily remedied, however. Once you have KIS installed and up-and-running,

- Right-click the Kaspersky icon in the tray,
- select settings,
- then select "Firewall" in the left-hand pane,
- click "Configure rules ..." in the right-hand pane
- new window pops up, right click on the checkmark icon under "Public Networks" of the "Trusted" group
- change the value from "Allow" to "Prompt for Action"


Next time a program, any program or service tries to access the net (be it those already installed, or newly installed programs/settings), Kaspersky will prompt you to temporarily, (ie. current session) or permanently allow, block or terminate any network or internet access.

One thing I do like about KIS is the customizability of rule-based access be it for firewall or application control.

It is rather unfortunate that the default settings are set to allow all activity at any time without user input, unlike previous versions of KIS... At least they didn't take away the option to allow users to regain control over network activity.

But also blame MS for introducing all these variants and levels of connectivity (public, network, trusted in Windows 7 which make it quite confusing for the regular folk to decide how to manage network activity.

Still, of all the firewall/anti-virus combo software programs out there, Kaspersky is tops in my book. I've tried many over the years and none beats KIS/KAV for functionality, system resource frugality and efficiency.


I have Kaspersky 2010 Internet Security with anti spyware/malware, antivirus, firewall etc running with no problems on Windows 7 64 bit.
