
Extraordinary Member
Apr 27, 2012

Using Windows 8 Enterprise 64 bit, I have noticed that the full name of a local account (set with the net users "<username>" /fullname:"<full name>" command) is deleted whenever I switch from a Microsoft account to the local account associated with it.

So, how do I have to prevent this?



The account you originally 'modified' was deleted as soon as you changed to a Microsoft account. This is why when you change back to a local account, that account you originally modified, doesn't exist. You can't create a local account that you can keep going back to. That criteria is already fulfilled by the Microsoft account model and a local account is simply a temporary measure.
I don't think you can. Local accounts are simply temporary and once you log into a microsoft account the settings are lost. There's no reason to keep them as it isn't an account the os can sync to.

Basically, my problem is this:

I create a local account and then I modify his full name:

C:\Windows\system32> net users "Balubeto_Balubeto" /fullname:"Balubeto Balubeto"
The command completed successfully.
C:\Windows\system32> net users "Balubeto_Balubeto"
Username                                          Balubeto_Balubeto
Full name                                         Balubeto Balubeto
user comment
Country code / area                               000 (System)
Account active                                    Yes
Account expires                                   Never
Last setting password                             03/05/2013 18:25:29
Password Never Expires
Password changeable                               03/05/2013 18:25:29
Password required                                 No
The user can change the password                  Yes
Workstations allowed                              All
Login Script
User profile
Home directory
Last Login                                        14/05/2013 17:23:02
Hours of access allowed                           All
Memberships to the local group                    *Administrators
Memberships to the global group                   *NONE
The command completed successfully.


At this point, I restarted the computer and I log onto this account.

Now, I switch it in a Microsoft account following the procedure Microsoft Account - Switch to in Windows 8 and then I restart the computer.

So, I log onto Microsoft account, and, following the procedure Local Account - Switch to in Windows 8, I switch it back to the local account.

Now, the local account information are:

C:\Windows\system32> net users "Balubeto_Balubeto"
Username                                          Balubeto_Balubeto
Full name
user comment
Country code / area                               000 (System)
Account active                                    Yes
Account expires                                   Never
Last setting password                             14/05/2013 18:35:06
Password Never Expires
Password changeable                               14/05/2013 18:35:06
Password required                                 No
The user can change the password                  Yes
Workstations allowed                              All
Login Script
User profile
Home directory
Last Login                                        14/05/2013 18:43:53
Hours of access allowed                           All
Memberships to the local group                    *Administrators
Memberships to the global group                   *NONE
The command completed successfully.


As you can see the field "Full name" is empty. How come?

How do I avoid that this field changes value?



The account you originally 'modified' was deleted as soon as you changed to a Microsoft account. This is why when you change back to a local account, that account you originally modified, doesn't exist. You can't create a local account that you can keep going back to. That criteria is already fulfilled by the Microsoft account model and a local account is simply a temporary measure.

If you change the registered name on the Microsoft account and then set the account up on Windows 8, it will retain that name. You can do so from Link Removed.
