
New Member
Jan 13, 2009
I'm playing with Windows 7 (32 bit) on a spare laptop at work (Dell Latitude D820) and tried running the Vista drivers, but Win7 isn't liking it. Anyone else run into the same problem, and is there any solution or do I just have to wait for nVidia to do their thing?

System Specs
Dell D820 Latitude
2.33 Ghz Intel Core Duo


Nevermind, I'm an idiot:

NVIDIA drivers for Windows 7 Beta
NVIDIA drivers for the Windows 7 Beta release can be downloaded directly from Microsoft’s Windows Update service.


  1. After a fresh installation of the Windows 7 Beta, click on the Start button.
  2. Click Windows Update (it will be pinned to the top of the start menu). You can also type “Windows Update” into the start menu Search to locate Windows Update.
  3. Within Windows Update, locate and install the NVIDIA driver update (it will either be an important update or an optional update depending on your system).

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A question or two:

Did you ever try loading the 64 bit Windows 7 RC on this Latitude? I am unable to do so ... for some reason, I get a 0xC00000e9 error. Then I get a screen which offers to load the "EMS" version, which then runs as slow molasses and gets stuck on the Expanding Windows Files screen.

But, 32bit seems to be loading fine. :(

I have 4GB of ram on this Latitude D820 and it was running fine with Vista (albeit not 64 bit) ... I was hoping to get to use the extra memory with the 64 bit OS. Since with Vista 32 bit, it only showed me 3.3GB of ram.

Any thoughts?


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To be honest, and I'm not 100% certain about this - but I think the problem you have is that you're trying to install a 64-bit OS on a PC with a 32-bit CPU. I haven't really paid too much attention to the whole 64-bit OS/CPU thing.

Someone who knows more than me can probably confirm/deny

Well, it has a Core 2 Duo at 2.16GHz. Which is a 64 bit processor ... I also checked this with the Intel utilities and CPU-Z too.

Ahh well there you go, I told you I wasn't certain :)

Good luck fixing it. You might want to start a new topic.

Oh, well.

I decided to remove Windows 7 from this computer and only test it on my other laptop - a Lenovo Z61p. Where the 64bit RC install is working fine. :)

Thanks anyhow! :)

FYI, the D820 series only sees 3.3GB of RAM regardless of a 32-bit or 64-bit OS install because ~700MB of RAM is used
by the system BIOS for PCI devices and such - limitation of the Intel chipset the systems use.

In other words, just install the 32-bit version probably so there's less hassles to deal with from the 64-bit world.

I have a Latitude D820 with a 64-bit processor, 4 MB ram and Windows 7 Pro. You'll never see 4MB of ram on this machine (only 3.3 MB or something) because the motherboard chipset wasn't designed to access all 4 MB of ram. It will run faster than with the 32-bit processor though.

I have a Latitude D820 with a 64-bit processor, 4 MB ram and Windows 7 Pro. You'll never see 4MB of ram on this machine (only 3.3 MB or something) because the motherboard chipset wasn't designed to access all 4 MB of ram. It will run faster than with the 32-bit processor though.

Hi and welcome.

I believe you mean 4 GB RAM.

If you install Windows 64-bit, it will use all available RAM. Whatever is not able to be used is because the onboard video adapter uses that, instead. It has nothing at all to do with chipset design, rather, the hardware video requirements.

Thanks...I was misinformed about that. And yes, 4MB of memory wouldn't run well, would it? LOL

