Windows 7 Links will not open in Internet explorer (javascript)


New Member
Jun 18, 2010

I m facing a problem with my explorer That when i open any site internet explorer it opens but if i click on any link of any site window opens but with blank

plz help me anybody help would be appreciating

Your problem may depend on exactly what type of links you are trying to open. Have you tried turning off the popup blocker?

Could you give us a specific site and the link you are trying to open? Can you copy and paste the link in the address bar and reach the linked site?

I can't remember about Java Script, but there are several options in the Internet Tools, Advanced options. You also might try going to the Internet Tools, Advanced Tab and use the Reset button on the bottom. This will wipe out your history and perhaps cookies and such.
Have you done a search on your problem, and if so what have you tried?

Is IE set as your default browser?

Why did you put Javascript in your title?

Do you get the little warning icon on the bottom of the IE Window, and if so what does it say?

Have you done a search on your problem, and if so what have you tried?

Is IE set as your default browser?

Why did you put Javascript in your title?

Do you get the little warning icon on the bottom of the IE Window, and if so what does it say?

Hello, Sorry I should have supplied more information. Yes IE is my default and only browser, although I am considering going back to Firefox, I used that on my old computer. I put javascript in the title, because it seems that any link that is javascript related will not open, although I had the same problem with the registration link for this site that was in the email sent to me when I registered. I saw a related topic on another site and tried what I have posted below. Although this seemed to fix the problem for some people it didn't do a thing to help me. I am using Windows 7

"Link Removed on Vista and Link Removed 7 has a new security restriction that is turned on by default for ALL zones on the security tab.
Go to Internet Options - Security Tab - Internet - click on the "Custom" button then scroll down to the Miscellaneous section. There are several entries that control the
Link Removed engine in IE8. One of them is named "Allow script-initiated windows without size or position constraints". This item is disabled in all zones in IE8. That means that any link that calls a JavaScript function that opens a new window will not work if the size or location of the new window is not specified in the link. Change this item to "Enable" and those links will work again. You must do this for all zones.

Bottom line - the Window.Open() function will not work if you don't specify at least the new window size or position in the function call."

Your problem may depend on exactly what type of links you are trying to open. Have you tried turning off the popup blocker?

Could you give us a specific site and the link you are trying to open? Can you copy and paste the link in the address bar and reach the linked site?

I can't remember about Java Script, but there are several options in the Internet Tools, Advanced options. You also might try going to the Internet Tools, Advanced Tab and use the Reset button on the bottom. This will wipe out your history and perhaps cookies and such.
