
New Member
Jun 7, 2009
Anyone have trouble getting a Magic Jack telephony device working in Win 7? So far when I plug it in, it acts like it will initialize, then fails and says I need to plug it into the USB port. I tried latest chipset drivers, but no go.

Magic Jack website is useless.

Sounds similar to the USB issues with iPods and external USB drives.

Win 7 - 64bit
MSI mobo with Nvidia chipset
AMD Phenom 9500 Quad-Core 2.20ghz
8 GB Ram
eVga 1gb ram 3D card.

actually yes i'm having similar yet different problems, lets start from the beginning, i've had magic jack for almost a year now, when i first got it i was running xp, worked perfectly, however when i upgraded to vista i had a TON of issues, it completely bogged my pc down, i couldn't even move the mouse without getting the lagging echo, and of course at their website they're completely useless, all they do is have u re-download they're drivers which do nothing, or try to format and go around, which did nothing either, well that pc finally took a dump on my and i bought a new ACER aspire x1700 running vista 64, and since i guess it was a complete new install o.s instead of a upgrade disk, it ran AWESOME again, until upgraded to win 7 the other day, i installed they're "new" win7 drivers and everything, and walla, went back to being crap again, except this time it , and i do mean it cuz i narrowed it down very fast, caused almost every program action to crash, i couldn't even run task manager, so i tried dealing with magicjacks online techs again, and actually had one quit the chat on me when he couldn't answer my question, ( i saved that whole conversation), my last option till they get a good working driver was to plug it into my old derelict pc and clean everything but a simple o.s off of it so its sole purpose is the magicjack..............long story short, good luck getting it to work

oh and the last tech i chatted with actually gave me a complete uninstall link for magicjack, dunno if that means anything, its just that i've seen in lots of forums that the program seem to spread like a hydra through your system and is extremely hard to uninstall