Windows 10 Major FPS drops when I unplug laptop

joseph mitchell

New Member
Sep 11, 2015
A lot of people have had this problem and I've seen posts for this on other support forums, but when I unplug my computer and my FPS drops from 120-150 to 20-30, plugging it in doesn't fix the the problem.

The fps drops just stays there unless I somehow update my Windows or Lenovo (which I can't do all the time). I have tried changing my power saving plan, but that doesn't do anything. I have no idea if my computer is broken or if this is fixable. Please help me!
Best advise I can give you is contact Lenovo... my guess is they don't support WX on your (whatever) model yet so the power drivers are buggy.
Best advise I can give you is contact Lenovo... my guess is they don't support WX on your (whatever) model yet so the power drivers are buggy.