I didn't know if this was the right thread for Win. Gadget Gallery issues, but I was so frantic that I took the chance. Please, forgive me if this is categorized incorrectly.
My problem is that I cannot stick my head out the window behind my computer desk, and so I rely on the Weather program in Windows GG to tell me if it is raining or not. But, every time I shut down the system and restart, the program reverts back to "NY City" as the default location, but it doesn't seem to correlate that well with my temp/precipitation in S. Arizona for some reason. Is there some way that I can get this program to default to my city?
Any help on this vital issue is appreciated, as the Windows Support team tells me to go fly a kite, 'cause they're too busy wondering why no gamers are clamoring for their latest iteration of OS, like we did with Vista, to give support for some, to them I'm sure, petty problem with that olden Win7 platform for losers. But how can I fly a kite if I don't know if it's windy or not?!!