Windows 8 Metro UI apps and their exact status..?


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Microsoft Community Contributor
I have been playing with some of the apps, while they are still working, and noticed some things that may or may not been discussed.

OK, you can open an app and it will go full screen. So it is obviously open. You can go to the desktop, or another app and the previous app will remain open and show on the left side of the screen and can be accessed with Winkey+Tab or mouse in upper left.

But, when you close some apps, by closing directly or dragging them to the bottom of the screen, they do not really close. For instance, the weather app will remain active (live) on the Metro UI and give local weather conditions. Usually when one of these apps in still in a active (live) state, there will be some number or other designation. If the Store tile is live, it may show a 4 in the bottom right of the Tile.

So, to turn off the Weather tile, you have to right click the tile and select "Turn Live Tile off" at the bottom of the screen.

Not a complaint, just an observation if it has not been discussed previously.
Found out the "4" on the Store tile, when it is turned on, indicated 4 updates available.