
New Member
Apr 29, 2010
HI, i purchased this off Microsoft under the Ultimate Steal thing, so it only cost me £40. It directed me to a link to download the 502mb exe file named ' X12-30307.exe ' . However my problem occurs when i click the exe to run the program. The first stage is windows shouts at me for permissions, then it starts to extract the files. It can range between ~ 20% and 80% before stopping and returning the error message '' The installation of this package has failed.''

I have run as administrator, run in various compatibility modes, re-downloaded the file 3 times, ran in safe mode, all to no avail. My only guess is that the 'master' copy of the file is corrupt and thus all downloaded copies of it, or something in windows 7 is stopping a file from beign extracted.

Any help would be great.

Notes: its 64-bit Windows 7 Professional, and i would create an ISO image, however i cant extract the files to do that. Its like a parcel with too much tape. Also trying to extract though DOS didn't work. And i have plenty of space left on my hard drive to install.

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As RAK suggested, you may want to contact Microsoft/Digital River to obtain a new binary of the setup, as it sounds as if it may have gotten corrupted during download.
Looks like a corrupt download. But have you tried selecting the option, at the start, to run it on a "trial" basis - you can put the key in later.

i never get that far, like i said it fails during extraction. not even got close to the real install.

As RAK suggested, you may want to contact Microsoft/Digital River to obtain a new binary of the setup, as it sounds as if it may have gotten corrupted during download.
