
New Member
Dec 4, 2009
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As you can see in that screen shot, my mp3 icons are acting weird. I couldn't recall anything that i have done with my PC to cause that problem. A night before it was fixed, i.e. the icons are still in their proper icons (as I've set in the preferences section of Winamp to look like this: click Here). However, when I used my notebook this morning and double clicked an mp3 file, it suddenly showed me the alert box "Windows cannot open this file". Perplexed, I then chose the option Select program from a list then chose Winamp. After that, all my icons became like that.

What I have already done:

1. Winamp has an option to change the icon for its associated file types. I tried switching icons. Futile.

2. I have also tried Associate a file type or protocol with a program (mp3->Winamp). Nada.

3. I've also tried changing the default player to my video player, KMplayer, the icons changed, but it was not the default icon for associated KMplayer files, it was just as what happened in Winamp, a square file icon with the selected program's main icon in the middle (see above screenshot). I tried opening my videos (ie, other files associated with KMplayer) and they were fine, showing the real icon of KMplayer.

4. From #3, i went to change the properties of my mp3 files then reselected Winamp as default program. The icons went back to what you can see in my above screen shot.

5. Tried my luck with HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Winamp_File_MP3\DefaultIcon. The location of the icon is in the exe of winamp. I guess this is associated with step #1. Didn't work.

6. Reformat-Reinstall Acronis' backup. WORKED.

Note that this isn't the first time it has happened to me. The first time it happened was when i associated a Winamp skin with Winamp as a default program (I reformatted 3 times to verify this). After that the icons screwed up. I tried step 6 then it was fine. I just had to place the skins in the Skins folder of Winamp so as to avoid skin file association with Winamp. But the problem is this last problem arose without me doing anything. With these, I speculate that something's mixed up with 7's mp3 file recognition. (or audio files in general)

Anyone have an idea what could be the cause or even a nicer solution?

OS:Windows 7 Build 7600
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Based on the information provided, it seems like you encountered an issue with the icons associated with your MP3 files after some actions on your Windows 7 system. Here are some insights based on the steps you took and the behavior you observed:
1. Changing Winamp Options:
- You attempted to change the icon for Winamp-associated file types within Winamp itself but were unable to resolve the issue.
2. Associating File Types with Programs:
- You tried to associate MP3 files with Winamp using the "Associate a file type or protocol with a program" feature, but it did not fix the icon display issue.
3. Switching Default Players:
- Switching to KMPlayer also resulted in the same icon display issue where a square...
Based on the information provided, it seems like you encountered an issue with the icons associated with your MP3 files after some actions on your Windows 7 system. Here are some insights based on the steps you took and the behavior you observed:
1. Changing Winamp Options:
- You attempted to change the icon for Winamp-associated file types within Winamp itself but were unable to resolve the issue.
2. Associating File Types with Programs:
- You tried to associate MP3 files with Winamp using the "Associate a file type or protocol with a program" feature, but it did not fix the icon display issue.
3. Switching Default Players:
- Switching to KMPlayer also resulted in the same icon display issue where a square file icon with the selected program's main icon appeared in the middle.
4. Reverting Changes:
- Changing the properties of MP3 files back to Winamp as the default program temporarily fixed the icons.
5. Registry Modification:
- Attempting to modify the registry key at "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Winamp_File_MP3\DefaultIcon" to point to Winamp's icon location did not work.
6. Reformat-Reinstall:
- Reformatting and reinstalling Acronis' backup resolved the issue, indicating a possible system-wide misconfiguration reset.
Considering the steps you've taken and the successful resolution through reformatting and reinstalling the system, it seems like the issue was related to some deeper system or registry misconfiguration that was not easily identifiable through conventional troubleshooting methods.
As you mentioned that this isn't the first time this has happened, and the first occurrence was linked to skin file association with Winamp, it suggests that specific actions, such as file associations or modifications, could potentially trigger these icon display issues.
Given that the problem was resolved by reformatting and reinstalling your system from a backup, the issue may have been a complex interaction of settings that were difficult to pinpoint individually.
If you encounter this issue again in the future, a reformat-reinstall might be a reliable solution, although it's advisable to create system restore points or backup your important files to avoid data loss during the troubleshooting process.
If you have any further questions or encounter similar problems in the future, feel free to ask for assistance!