
Aug 29, 2013
Hello Guys,

I am Not able to sync OneNote across my computers in local network or by unseeing SkyDrive

Ok so here is little summary of my issue:

I have setup my e-mail and pass and so on for MS Live and 25 GB Free SkyDrive My laptop is win 8 64 bit with office 2013 and my home server is win 7 64bit with office 2010

now the main location is in the server and it is synced with skyDrive on my labptop i am login to Onenote under skydrive with same user name and pas

when ever i make file or note or whatever you guys call it it wont sync so both onenotes are not able to see each other even thought i am login to both OneNote with same user name and pass

at this moment i am syncying my iphone 4s with OneNote app so not sure if the updated pages will show up or not

I would love to have skydrive as option so i can access my files from anywhere

can someone please advise


Hello here is little update : the sync in phone will show the updated info or notes but pc wont
very interesting issue
