If you want a better way to search try Agent Ransack, I've used it for years.
It's a stand alone search engine much better then the one in Windows.
As to finding you photos, in Agent Ransack put in the type of file, i.e. .jpg so you will only see that file type in the search.
Next if there are any common words in the file names (for example Bob's dog, Bob and Waldo, Bob playing fetch etc, where Bob is the common word, put in Bob, the only files that will come up in the search are .jpg files with the word Bob in the title.
You can search the entire hard drive and all of the folders, or a single folder.
If there is nothing in common except the file type then at least you can get a list of just the image files.
You can also used the File Finder app in CCleaner to look for duplicate files regardless of the name.
It can search by file size.
It will find all duplicate files regardless of type.
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