
New Member
Apr 25, 2010
im sorry if im posting in the wrong place

right when i open my pictures why dose it not actly show the image it puts a default display picture over it and i have to actly open the picture to see it, its realy annoyin me now and could any won tell me how to get it so the actly picture image it self shows please ?

Look closely.

thanks for the reply but it still not actly showing the pictures still shows the defult img

lvlasked, do you realize that you must check one check box and uncheck another in the two images that cybercore provided you? The illustrations show the box checked in both images. In the "folder options" image, you must uncheck the box.
Check these two settings:

control panel > system > visual effects > show thumbnails instead of icons

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control panel > folder options > view tab > always show icons, never thumbnails

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thanks for the reply but it still not actly showing the pictures still shows the defult img

Look closely.

thanks for the reply but it still not actly showing the pictures still shows the defult img

lvlasked, do you realize that you must check one check box and uncheck another in the two images that cybercore provided you? The illustrations show the box checked in both images. In the "folder options" image, you must uncheck the box.
