Windows 10 NEED HELP: Update changed folder name "user"


New Member
Nov 15, 2019
Good morning guys.
Please, I need your help.
After the last automatic update of windows 10, days ago, it simply changed the name of the folder "users" to "usuarios" (Portuguese language) and created a new user folder inside it, which was previously called MY NAME and now renamed MY NAME.000. Now NONE of my programs to work, none of my shortcuts, nothing to work... Because everyone always looks for the path "Users" and "MY NAME" but this path no longer exists because the folders have been renamed in the update.

Please, please, I need help.


To resolve the issue of your user folder being renamed after a Windows update and causing software and shortcuts to malfunction, you can rename the user folder back to its original name. Here's a general guide on how you can achieve this: 1. Reboot in Safe Mode: - Restart your computer and boot into Safe Mode. This can be done by restarting your computer and repeatedly pressing the F8 key. 2. Rename Users Folder: - Once in Safe Mode, navigate to the "usuarios" folder location. - Rename this folder back to "Users". 3. Check Original User Folder: - Look for your original user folder that has been renamed to "MY NAME.000". 4. Move User Data: - Inside the new "Users" folder, identify your user data originally in "MY NAME.000". - Copy this data back into your original user folder. 5. Reboot Normally: - Restart your computer normally to ensure that it's starting up as usual. 6. Verify Program Functionality: - Check if your programs, shortcuts, and other elements are now functioning correctly. By following these steps, you should be able to revert the folder names back to their original states and restore the functionality of your programs and shortcuts that were impacted by the name changes after the Windows update.
