
New Member
Jan 17, 2020
First let me say that I am a developer who was recently given the job of IT Manager (so-to-speak) and I do have some IT knowledge, but my server knowledge is very weak.

So my first issue is that we have some old archived files that need to be restored. The process is to go to the backup software, mount a backup, and then copy the files to the network. I've done this many times and it's never been a problem. Today, it's a problem. I am unable to delete the folder or files. Anyone in our firm could but cant, but I am a domain admin and I can't either.

I get a message that I need permission. When I look at the permissions, the Administrator has a red X. on the file or folder. There isn't a domain or servername with the username, so is this local? Does it mean that it is disabled?

The DC has not had windows updates installed since 2013 for whatever reason.

I ran a DCDiag on the domain controller and I have a lot of these entries:

An Error Event occured. EventID: 0x00009017
Time Generated: 01/17/2020 15:34:27
Event String: The following fatal alert was received: 46.

In the event viewer, I have about 5 of these entries EVERY DAY going back to June:

This is the replication status for the following directory partition on this directory server.

Directory partition:

This directory server has not recently received replication information from a number of directory servers. The count of directory servers is shown, divided into the following intervals.

More than 24 hours:
More than a week:
More than one month:
More than two months:
More than a tombstone lifetime:
Tombstone lifetime (days):

Directory servers that do not replicate in a timely manner may encounter errors. They may miss password changes and be unable to authenticate. A DC that has not replicated in a tombstone lifetime may have missed the deletion of some objects, and may be automatically blocked from future replication until it is reconciled.

To identify the directory servers by name, use the dcdiag.exe tool.
You can also use the support tool repadmin.exe to display the replication latencies of the directory servers. The command is "repadmin /showvector /latency <partition-dn>".

Anyway, any help would be appreciated.
How are you logging into the system? Are you using a domain account or local? Have you looked at the effective rights your account has on the directory or file and do you have appropriate rights to the directory or file?

If you need to validate a system's domain trust you can use the NLTEST utility.
I saw "I'm a developer and I'm the IT Manager" and "this server hasn't been patched since 2013" and knew this was going to be a disaster.
I'm not saying this stuff to be mean, but you should seriously consider looking for a new job. This company is unlikely to survive a cyber security incident.
I don't take it as mean, I take it as very unhelpful. While I am not a trained IT guy, I am trying to resolve an issue we are having. I just took over this job in December after the previous guy, who was trained, allowed it to get to this state.

I am not going to look for another job. That would be running away from a problem. I came here for help, so maybe offer some real help or just stay quiet.
Without alot more details about the environment it would be difficult to troubleshoot.
How are you logging into the system? Are you using a domain account or local? Have you looked at the effective rights your account has on the directory or file and do you have appropriate rights to the directory or file?

If you need to validate a system's domain trust you can use the NLTEST utility.
I was using a domain account. Even staff who had rights before now have issues. User ABC now requires permission from User ABC to delete the file, and it doesn't allow them when they are logged in as themselves.

We did check the rights of the account and in some cases have taken ownership but it still fails. I'll check that utility out, thanks.