End of November Updates
In our tradition of always bringing you the latest and greatest forum software improvements, the core forum software has been upgraded in a stable end of the month upgrade. Here a quick summary of this fixes and updates in vBulletin 4.1 Beta.
Two items that we had envisaged to make available as 4.1
- Updated Editor - to enable WYSIWYG editing in Webkit browsers (Chrome/Safari)
- "Flexible URL Mapping"
Are not included in this release. Due to both the editor, and the flexible URL mapping affecting all aspects of our product, development and QA has taken a longer period of time than we had initially envisaged, and we are not sufficiently satisfied with the level of quality of either item to release them as features in their current state. Both items will be made available in future releases.
Now, onto what IS included in vBulletin 4.1
Installer (under-the-hood)
The forums can now be upgraded using a CLI (Command Line Installer) for larger forums, and our entire upgrade process has been updated. and improved. Among the largest changes in this under-the-hood change.
- Ads disappear after executing upgrade script
- Blog upgrade steps are creating problems
- The template merge process takes up to much time
- Timeout on servers when importing vbulletin-style.xml
- Phrases in master language get cut off when installing/upgrading
- MySQL Error : Duplicate entry 'vbcms_dailycleanup' for key 2
- Blog attachments converter fails
- Upgrade and install folder with authentication changes
- Plugins Run During Install/Upgrade
- Blog database fails on upgrade of 3.8.4 PL2 to 4.x suite
- Templates Not Being Tagged As Needing To Be Updated
Mobile APIs (Early Smart Phone Support)
vBulletin 4.1 will include the APIs required to communicate with vBulletin's forthcoming
Mobile Applications.
Profile customization
Here are some of the fixes to profile customization that are included:
- Invalid code in color box can cause Javascript errors"
- Profile Customization: There is no Admin Permission option for Set Site Default: All admins can set site default styles
- User able to exploit themselves in User Profile
- XSS Within 'Customize My Profile'
- Member profile JavaScript fails with null CSS files"
- If customize profile is disabled for a usergroup the SQL Query workaround does not work
- Centering Asset Picker causes problems on shorter browsers
- Language specific spacing
- Profile Customization doesn't work if using YUI hosted on yahoo or google"
- Save as Site Default button is white on top of off-white in IE
- The color picker popup always pops up in the same place
- The ""saved"" confirmation box sometimes pops up before closing the customization interface, and sometimes afterwards"
- enable_profile_styling bitfield needs to be uncommented -- this prevents using the global on/off switch for profile styling and prevents using the ""profile images"" album type"
- Some links seem to be an unreadable white color by default on profiles"
- Font size inconsistent.
Display Fixes
Fixes to the html/css to resolve cosmetic issues with the product, including rectifying some upgrade issues that occurred with vBulletin 4.0.8 upgrades with Custom Styles.
- IE7: Blog sidebar header contains text from pagination block; pagination block missing
- IE7/IE8 RTL issue with trackback/comment/rate this entry for blog page (entry.php)
- Text misalignment on group discussion page
- Icons overlap text in blog comment page for moderate width windows
- Quick Navigation button overlaps pagination display
- Side Bar links not bold
- Profile pagination arrow repeats
- Manage Groups displaying incorrectly and not aligning with content data
- IE6 View Filter drop down icon is missing in blog.php
- IE6 - Create Blog category page appears distorted
- IE7 & RTL - Show Groups Location Text
- Quick Navigation Menu appears too wide
- IE7 - Some text misplaced in thread attachments view
- Blog comment's title field oddly placed.
Misc fixes
Here are a number of the fixes made to everything else in the product:
- Drop down display is not proper in 'Group discussion' page
- YUI (Yahoo User Interface) Security Upgrade
- Visitor Messages can show up in search results for users not allowed to see them.
- Style Generator issue with 'Dark' styles
- Map the new Replacement StyleVars automatically to the old, deprecated StyleVars
- Limit total number of PM folders
- Time in CMS Comments Wrap on a New Line
- Simple pagination introduces a space in the url
- Redirection fails due to code changes
- Wrong filesize in Asset Manager if using "," as "Decimal Separator" in language settings
- Problem with marking a forum as read: "Go to first new post" Icon is Still Displayed
- View your "About Me" as seen by everyone else refreshes profile
Known Issues
The following is a non-comprehensive list of known issues in the Beta version, we will endeavor to have these items rectified in the final version
- Blog comment wrapped with quote aligned incorrectly in Chrome browser
- Incorrect padding on editor warning messages for Visitor Messages/Blog Comments
- Calendar overlaps with Background color in IE6
- Format buttons overlap in the Calendar when using IE6/IE7
- Pagination links are misaligned in Blog
- View Your Conversation text overlaps Visitor Messages tab in Chrome/Safari
- Reputation drop down overlaps in IE7
- Blog sidebar displays with extra shading/colors and missing block headers/titles in IE6
Our development and testing commitment with Internet Brands, makers of the popular vBulletin software suite, will allow us to continue to supply the forums with the latest core forum updates, and, arguably the most up-to-date forum code available on any major website. As part of the alpha development team for vBulletin, we will now continue an upgrade path on a nightly basis, or at least once a week. We will also continue to provide feedback.
We are excited about the
new text editor, which is still in progress, as well as the Mobile Phone API that is being developed. Currently the Mobile Phone test application only works for the iPhone, but apps will likely be made available for other smart phones. We may choose to deploy this option for mobile phone users who want to talk tech on the go once it is available for most smart phones.
Linking Windows8Forums.com Here
With talk of Windows 8 on the distant horizon, we have re-united Windows8Forums.com with the rest of the website. We want all of our current members to be able to enjoy and use a new Windows8Forums.com without re-registering or starting a new profile. By the time Windows 8 nears availability, it will be very possible for us to link data between two sites using the central Windows 7 Forums database as the back-end. We expect to be able to combine all data related to Windows 8 into a separate website that still shares the same log-ins, user accounts, membership records, and improvements that the current forum provides. While Windows 8 Forums will have its own unique theme and domain name, any activity on that site will be recorded here, and there.
You will be to use both sites and maintain one user profile. Until that is possible, we will safeguard, and present all information and discussion regarding the next version of Windows 8 in the current database. Continuing to develop that forum and drafting a unique theme, which will ultimately exist as its own website, is currently one of our top priorities.